Chapter 8

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         "Okay, let me get this straight," George said, pointing out the window of Ron's room. It faced the backyard, but the Harry and the others knew what he meant. "Malfoy comes over here, says a mysterious threat about trying to kill you, then says someone's going to kill Ginny. And you believe him because...?"
      "Because he does owe me," Harry said, unable to explain how he felt so convinced. He saw Hermione and Ron glance at each other uncomfortably, and Neville scratched the back of his neck. The only ones in the room who were looking at him were George and Luna, though Luna kept looking around the room and humming to herself absently. They had tried to gather the adults as well, but since the room was so mixed with order and non-order members they eventually gave up.
"And he probably owes his parents for all the gold they wasted on him," Ron said, sounding annoyed. "He doesn't care, though. Since when does he care about that stuff?"
      "You made me leave my food downstairs for this?" George said indignantly to Harry.
      "What?" asked Harry, somewhat defensively. "I mean, why else would Malfoy..."
       "...barge in where he's unwanted, give empty threats and then back out like the slimy git he is?" Ron finished, somewhat sarcastically.
         "But he always did that with someone backing him up," Harry pressed. "Don't you see? He came here and threatened us without his dad or anyone else-doesn't that seem weird?"
         "I dunno, Harry," Neville interjected. "He thinks he doesn't have to anymore. And I'm not sure his father could help much anyway, the whole family being accused and all..."
          "Are they?" Ron asked, looking peeved. "Dad says they've barely gotten a fine, since they 'walked away from the battle' or whatever. As if that makes everything okay-"
         "Well either way, they're sure to keep their heads down," Ginny pointed out, effectively cutting off Ron from a rant.
         "Yeah, but they also have no allies anymore cause the death eaters are all broken up," George said with a final tone. "I think he's just messing with you so you wouldn't want to become an auror."
      "You've been awfully quiet, Hermione" Ron said suddenly. "You got anything to say? You're the smartest one here."
        It was strange for Harry to see Hermione like this, as she had been sitting in such a contemplative silence that the use of her name seemed to have startled her, and now she was pondering on her answer.
       "Well, the whole situation seems strange," she said slowly. "If the Malfoys wanted to be careful, which I imagine they do, why would he come to the house of his debatably greatest enemy? He may have liked his tricks in the past, but if he was going to trick Harry or Ginny, wouldn't he give false information about a death eater's whereabouts, then capture them or something similar? I can't see how warning them will do the death eaters any good, other than to keep Harry nervous."
         "He was definitely telling the truth," Luna agreed, ignoring the many surprised heads that turned to her as she continued to use a thoughtful voice. "He and his dad love knowing something other people don't. That's why he wouldn't tell you the whole story-because it made him feel superior to know something you didn't."
"Which could have been that this whole thing was a trick," George added stubbornly, and Neville nodded somewhat reluctantly.
Harry turned to Ron."Do you believe me?"
Ron shook his head. "Sorry mate, but since when would Malfoy help you?"
Harry tried to reign in the familiar anger. "Fine. Ginny?"
"It doesn't seem likely," Ginny admitted. "But I've got a bad feeling about this, and I think you do too."
Harry nodded in agreement before turning to the last person in the room. "Hermione?"
"I can't say for sure yet," she said slowly, with a bit of reluctance. "But either way I agree with Ginny. Voldemort may be dead, but that doesn't mean there's no price on your head, Harry. Or any of ours. If anything, they might try to come at one of us to get at you-like Ginny."
"That'd be lame," Ginny said, rolling her eyes pointedly. "There's no way I'm going to be someone's bait."
Harry caught Luna staring at him, and remembered what she said about Voldemort separating him from his friends so he wouldn't be as much of a threat. Would it be possible his followers were smart enough to realize this strategy?
Still, all he said to Ginny was, "I really hope you're right."
    After the party, Harry helped clean up before retreating to Ron's room. On his way there he stopped in his tracks as he saw Ginny and Hermione talking in the hallway, looking worried about something.
He could have kept on walking, but a strange sense of suspicion seemed to keep him rooted in place.
"Oh hi, Harry," Hermione said, noticing him immediately, and Ginny turned around to see him.
"What's wrong?" He asked, confused.
"Nothing," Hermione said hastily. "I mean, nothing serious, it's stupid really-"
"She's worried about not knowing anyone when she goes back to school," Ginny explained, ignoring the outraged Hermione gave look.
          "Really?" Harry asked, feeling a sense of relief and shame for thinking they were talking about him behind his back.
       "I didn't say that," Hermione said, sounding slightly annoyed. "I just asked Ginny if she was going or not this year, and she said no because it would interfere with her practices. I can manage by myself well enough, it's just..."
      "You don't want to be alone," Harry finished, and she stopped talking in surprise. "Come on, Hermione, you really think we won't visit you at Hogsmeade or something?"
       "I'm not sure you'll have time, or if it's even allowed..."she sputtered, looking shocked that the idea hadn't come to her already.
    "We'll make time," Harry said firmly, and Hermione smiled gratefully.
     "I'll try to as well, but no promises," Ginny added.
     Hermione beamed at her, and the two hugged, staying there long enough for Harry look the other way awkwardly.
      "Right," Hermione said suddenly as she suddenly broke away. "Well...night."
      "Night," Harry and Ginny echoed back.
       Hermione started to ascend the stairs before stopping and turning around. "Harry, just promise me something."
    When he looked at her in confusion, she continued, "Promise me you won't spy on Malfoy in the ministry. Even if he did help you once, he's just as eager to get back at you."
      Harry was surprised at the random request, but still nodded in agreement, despite a sinking feeling in his gut told him otherwise.
      After she left, Ginny turned to him. "You still want to do it. Don't try denying it," she added as Harry opened his mouth. "Hermione would hate you, of course, but not for long. If you need to do it, do it, but try not to get kicked out. It'd be a shame to get in trouble on the first week of your new job."
        "Well, trouble has a way of finding me, so those are pretty slim odds."
          "Still, we're not going to be there to help you this time. And if what Malfoy said is true, you're going to-"
          "-have to be extra careful. Yeah, cause that's helped us so much in the past."
          "I was going to say you'll need to find out as much about him as possible," she countered, and Harry stared in surprise before smiling shamefully. "Either way, Malfoy's up to something. It's better you get the best of him before he gets the best of you."

Again, sorry for the lack of cute hinny scenes, I'll add more in the next chapter. What do you guys think, is Draco telling the truth or playing a trick?

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