Chapter 6

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"Open it already."
"No." Ginny's voice was straining to remain firm, but Harry could hear the faintest quiver in it.
"Gin, you had an awesome record of shots at Hogwarts," he pressed for the millionth time. "Not to mention winning the House Cup without your captain. Madam Hooch even wrote a letter of recommendation for you. And you said you played well at the tryouts, right?"
"Yeah, but a bunch of other people also did," Ginny muttered. "And I missed a couple shots in the beginning. It's probably a no. I know it's a no."
"It's not. Open it." Harry sincerely hoped he was right or he would be immensely embarrassed, but how could they not accept her?
Ginny made a face at him and slowly opened the letter, her face tense with worry. "I don't even know why I tried out-where am I going to get the money for the uniform? That babysitting money isn't even close to covering for it, and neither was that summer job."
"You're worries about uniform costs?" Harry asked in exasperation. "Come on, you tried out because you love Quidditch and you would be great at it," He added firmly as she slowly unfolded the letter. For a moment her face was stone-like as she sat there frozen. Harry couldn't read her expression. "What does it say?"
"Harry..." she started in a tone that suggested the worst, and paused for a dramatic second before breaking out into a smile and jumping up on the bed. "I GOT IN!"
He wasn't quite prepared for the shout, but jumped up with her anyway, grabbing her and laughing. "YES!" He exclaimed. "I knew you'd make it-blimey, we need to tell your mum!" He realized, jerking away a little in surprise.
"That can wait," Ginny said, still laughing as she looked at the paper, then up at Harry before giving another shout of joy and dancing once again. "YES, ohmigod this is crazy, I'm going to have to show up at their field at ten am next Tuesday for their first practice-Harry, their field, ohmigosh..." she looked at him, her eyes shining, and Harry realized with a start this might be the first time he'd seen her this giddy. She didn't need to continue any further, as he had suddenly pressed his lips against hers fiercely, still standing on the bed.
Unfortunately, Ron chose that moment to barge in. "Merlin's pants, what is-oh, uh, hi Harry."
Harry wished he had a camera to capture the look on Ron's face forever.
"Hi, Ron," In the past he might have been embarrassed, but now moments like these were a common occurrence. Apparently, Ron wasn't quite used to it yet, as seen by his bewildered look.
"Is somebody going to tell me what-"
"Ron," Ginny said, dragging out the moment as long as she could. "You're looking at a new member of the Holyhead Harpies."
Ron's face suddenly took on the expression of a goldfish-his eyes bulged, and his mouth moved wordlessly. "You...Wha-how..."
"I tried out Monday," Ginny said, and her expression was almost serious as she added, "if you want an autograph, better get it quick."
Ron finally seemed to come to his sense and grinned sheepishly. "Right, yeah it's just-blimey, you got on."
"You're amazing insight never ceases to amaze me."
Harry had to smother a laugh before Ron could see, but thankful he took no offense.
Ron wasn't the kind to hug his sister, so Harrt wasn't surprised when he instead slapped her on the back proudly. "I knew it," he said, a flicker of pride in his voice. "Wait-have you told the others?"
"Ron, no, not yet-"
"HERMIONE," Ron bellowed. "MUM. GET HERE NOW."
"Ronald," Ginny reprimanded, sounding uncannily like Mrs. Weasley, but he ignored her as he rushed to the door.
Hermione came first. "Ginnygotin," He said breathlessly.
"What?" Hermione asked, looking perplexed. "Ron, what-"
"On the Holyhead Harpies!"
"The..." she started, looking lost until her face brightened. "The Quidditch team! Ginny, are you serious?"
"Uh, yeah," Ginny replied, and Hermione crushes her into a hug, immediately babbling on all the Quidditch books Ginny should read.
Mrs. Weasley's reaction was even more priceless, her voice failing her as she raised a shaking shaking finger from the Quidditch poster on Ginny's wall to her. "You-you-"
Mrs. Weasley screamed so loud Harry could hear a crash from below as an owl started hooting irritably-no doubt startled from his nap. Once Mrs. Weasley was able to form full sentences again, she said firmly, "That's it, we're having a party tonight. What kind of cake do you want?"
Ginny looked a bit flustered at all the attention. "Mum, really I don't need-"
"Yes you do," Mrs. Weasley said firmly. "And you like chocolate, so I'm getting that. No buts, young lady."
She was finally silenced at that, and even though she tried to hold it back, Harry could see her eyes slide to the opened envelope and her posture straighten with pride.
The celebration that night was one to remember. All of the Weasley brothers were able to come except Charlie, and even Luna and Neville made it.
When it was clear Ginny was getting tired of talking, Harry touched her shoulder discreetly and they both left to play one on one Quidditch in the back yard. Soon this turned into a two on two game with Ron and George, while Luna was the commentator and Neville watching. As usual, she talked about nearly anything besides the game. "The Nargles must be following Harry closely-oh and there's another score by Ginny, but-Harry, watch out for the gnome! Oh that was a close call, gnome saliva is extremely valuable, you know..."
     Suddenly Harry noticed Neville had kept to his feet and staring around the side of the house with a perplexed and angry expression. Ginny noticed it as well, and bailed from the game to land next to him. "What's the matter?"
      "What's he doing here?" Neville asked, practically spitting. Harry landed next to him as well just as a tall, pale boy with slicked-back blond hair walked towards the door. Harry almost didn't recognize him without the green school robes.
       "I don't suppose he's here for the celebration," Luna remarked in a far-off voice, an unusual look of suspicion on her face. "I wonder why he's alone."
        "No idea," Harry admitted, leaning the broomstick against the wall. "But I intend to find out."

Any ideas to what Draco's up to?🤔

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