Chapter 16

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     "Neville?" Ginny asked in disbelief as she stumbled out of the fireplace. The meeting was at Luna's house, which Ginny had always seen from the outside but never been in it. He, Luna,  and Deanwere all standing in Luna's strange living room. "What's going on?"
"We just got word from Kingsley that the Death Eaters are on the move," Neville replied, looking apprehensive. "They're trying to go after the DA members and the Order."
"Well yeah," Ginny said. "Thought that was kinda obvious. Is that it?"
"That's not all," Dean insisted. Great. Now she had to look at him. "He just got word from someone in the Auror Department that there's going to be another attempt on your life, and possible ours."
"Tonight?" She asked, her heart thumping. "My parents heard, right?"
"Think so. We need to wait until the others get here so I don't have to say the whole thing twice."
     Ginny turned to Luna to confirm this, but Luna was acting stranger than usual. Her wide eyes were completely transfixed on a closet. When Ginny gave her a questioning look, she put a finger to her lips and said in a slightly  louder voice. "Yes. But it still says we need to meet at the Three Broomsticks-we need to leave now, or we'll be late."
    Ginny glanced suspiciously at the coin, knowing the address was still at Luna's house, and then at the closet door, which Luna had finally looked away from and had grasped Ginny's hand, who then warily took Dean's as Neville took his. With a crack, they all disapperated. But not to the Three Broomsticks.
     To Luna's room above. Dean frowned at her in puzzlement, but Neville still looked apprehensive as everyone's eyes widened when they heard a creak of the closet door opening.
      "They're gone," a low voice growled that soon turned into a snarl, and a sound of hand grabbing cloth could only lead them to believe he had grabbed his accomplice's shirt. "Thought you said that coin never lies."
       "It doesn't," a trembling voice protested, one so familiar that the DA leaders shot one another alarmed looks. No, it couldn't be...
        Seamus insisted, "I told you, these coins are very old, and the spell must have weakened-this must have been the last meeting's location." He seemed nervous, and there was the sound of a wand being whipped out, his voice becoming choked as something was pressed against it. "What does he want from them anyway?" Seamus insisted, and Ginny and Neville shared wary looks. "They're all DA leaders, what does he have against them-"
     "Silencio," the voice growled, his voice growing lower. "The master told me I couldn't eat you yet, though it's a pity since you've been so useless. But a few snacks for the road might help, if it persuaded you to tell the truth...or maybe, a little more of this will persuade you. Crucio."
     Unable to take it, Ginny lept up, wand in hand, but Neville held her back. Dean was also being stopped by Luna, his expression pained as he shook his head in disbelief.    
    Choking back tears of her own, she waited in a terrible silence as the she heard a chair being knocked over as their friend jerked around in the ground, unable to scream in pain.
       Finally, they couldn't take it anymore. "Stupefy!" Dean roared, jumping down from the banister.
     Ginny immediately ran to Seamus, who was still on the floor, shaking. "Good God, man," Dean said, immediately helping her help him up. "What the-"
"You shouldn'ta done that," Seamus  moaned, looking unnaturally pale. "You should've left me-they know if he's been beaten in combat-the tattoo tells them."
"Of course we wouldn't leave you, you git," Dean said, shaking his head. "We don't leave a soldier behind."
"Well, you should've," He protested stubbornly.
"How many are coming?" Ginny asked, knowing now he had never been a traitor.
"No idea, but we need to leave. Luna, your dad-"
"He's still on a work trip," Luna said firmly. "He's not coming home until next Wednesday."
"Good," Neville said, exhaling. "Alright, well we cant stay here. I don't suppose your place is safe, Seamus?"
He shook his head mournfully. "Naw, they've probably found it by now."
"We can't go to my place, that's too obvious," Ginny pointed out.
"We'll go to mine," Neville decided. "Are we taking this bloke with us?"
They all slowly turned to the petrified person, who was still looking straight at them with unnaturally dark eyes. His hair was unruly, and there was dried blood around his mouth, his fangs still out. Ginny glanced at Seamus, horrified to see blood on his shoulder.
"I can deal with him," Dean said, his voice sounding uncertain.
"No," Ginny replied, grimly drawing out her wand to point it at the werewolf. "I'll do it."
The rest respectfully stepped back, watching her in surprise as she stared at the werewolf, her heart hammering. He's not like Lupin, she reminded herself, but it was hard to believe it.
Unable to do the dreaded killing curse, she instead said firmly, "Obliviate."
A thin wisp of white trailed from his head to her wand, and his expression grew slack.
"Let's go," she said firmly when no one else said anything, and turned to grasp hands with Neville. They formed a chain, and with another crack they all disapperated into oblivion.

Once again, sorry this took awhile to write, was that for plotwist? Will they be safe at Neville's house?

Also, slightly off topic but I made a short Teddy Lupin fanfic and I'm debating whether or not to post it. Should I?

Thanks for all the votes and comments, you guys are awesome!!

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