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"What in the actual fuck was that?" My brain flew with different things that had been unlocked. Such as the Alpha breaking through my window- MY FUCKING WINDOW. I felt rage boil in me as I walked through my room. The hole in the wall was from Scott being thrown into it by the alpha. And that fucking bitch, she told us to forget and think we had sex, while she took me and had me turned into a werewolf for her pack. I stepped on the condom that we didn't get the chance to use, then I heard sniffles and coughing as Scott and my Dad came up the stairs, their sadness and joy radiating off of them. As they walked in I panicked and kicked the condom under my bed. My dad, who was new to the scene just looked at me in shock but hugged me. "Don't ever leave me again." He cried into my shoulder.  "Don't worry dad, I hope to never have to experience that again." I laughed back. Then my dad pushed off of me. "What the hell is this Stiles?" He sounded mad. "Ummm" I stuttered as Scott looked at me in horror. "The girl who bit me the night before came back with he-" my dad interrupted me. "What girl? And she bit you..." he seemed confused. I bit my lip. "Uhhhh, well there was a girl who asked to barrow a phone and I let her in-" my dad shot back,"everyone has a phone in 2016 stiles." I just stared back at him as I heard Scott snicker. "Yeah I know that now dad," I felt my face heat up." But at the time I was distracted by her... other features- anyways! She came in and 'fed' off of me, what ever that means. Then she came back while me and Scott were hanging out and took me with her pack of Alphas. They turned me... into this." I directed at my body. I heard Scott's heart beat speed up. My dad just laughed, "you mean to tell me, that you," he pointed at my chest "are some kind of supernatural creature like scott?" I looked at my dad, "well I'm something! I came back to life, that's not normal!" My dad just looked at me and nodded, then he turned to Scott. "Is it true?" Scott looked blank. "Is what true?" My dad pulled me into him. "That he is something." Scott looked at me and looked back at my dad. "Me and my mom found him 6 hours later, alive and well after being called dead. On top of that, his eyes were blue and he had scales, so I think he's something, but I don't know what." Scott looked at me and back to my dad. "Hmm" was all my dad said. Then he turned around and walked down the stairs. I peaked my head around the corner, "dad where are you going?" I shouted after him. He yelled back, "to go find a normal town!" And then he walked out to his car.

Scott said it would be a good idea to stop at Derek/Peters house to find out what I am so I agreed. When we got there, Derek was sitting outside waiting. I hoped out of the car and yelled, "what's up sour wolf?" He looked up and grimaced. Then he stood and ran towards me, shifting the whole time. I yelled at him, "DEREK STOP! I CANT FIGHT YOU!" Then he just stopped and stood still. "What the hell." Scott said as he turned towards me. "What?" I questioned. "Your eyes... they turned blue when you told him to stop." I blinked. Derek looked like he was struggling to move out of his place. "Derek what are you doing?" I asked slightly amused. He stopped and looked at me. "I can't move because you told me not too." He growled. "So what? I'm the dog whisperer now?" Peter appeared beside me. "Not exactly. You could be a Siren." I looked at him blankly. "You mean a mermaid?" He looked at me again, "no, not like a mermaid. Sirens have the ability to control others actions by simply telling them to do it. That explains Derek not being able to move after you telling him not too. And it also explains the scales." I laughed, they all looked at me. "So I'm basically a killing mermaid?" Peter looked at me then to Scott then at Derek. "Stiles, please tell Derek he can move again." I rolled my eyes, "Derek, you can move again." Derek tried but fell short. "See? I'm not that. Next." Peter hit me up side the head. "Ow! That's child abuse!" Peter growled and I went quite. "You have to believe it's going to work. Want it to work. Now, please try again." I looked at Derek and thought about wanting him to move. "Derek, you can move again." Derek took a step forward and sighed. "Hey! It worked!" I started jumping up and down when Lydia showed up with Allison and Liam. They all got out and ran over to hug me. Lydia was the first to hug me. Then Liam hugged me so hard I heard my bones crack. Then Allison kissed me on the cheek. Peter walked over and tried to grab Lydia, she moved away from him. "Get your wet dog smelling claws AWAY from my body!" He looked at Scott for help but he just smiled. "Fine, Lydia will you please go stand in front of stiles?" She smiled. "No." Peter frowned, "Scott!" He whined. "Lydia will you please?" She laughed. "Sure." She moved in front of me. "Now why am I standing in front of him?" Peter rolled his eyes. "Stiles, please tell her to kiss you." Lydia backed away. "Umm no! He doesn't need to ask I'll just tell you. NO!" Peter glanced at me. "Lydia, kiss me." She stood there. "Scott did it work?" Peter interrupted. "Oh it worked on your end. Banshees aren't effected by Sirens... so I heard." Lydia laughed, "nice try stiles... maybe next time?" I felt slightly annoyed by being tricked. Scott looked at me with concern in his eyes. "Stiles calm down." He states calmly. I looked down at my nails. They were replaced by nails that were longer and sharper. They looked blueish. I looked back at Scott who had placed himself between Allison and Lydia. "Derek!" I yelled. "Let's fight." Derek stepped in front of me and started to shift. I ran towards him, faster than I've ever run. When we collided, I pushed him to the floor. He got back up and tried to hit me, I moved back then scratched his chest. He punched me right after that and I fell to the ground. I got up slightly out of breathe. And looked at him, peter yelled "Stiles! Use all of your abilities." I grinned and Derek started trying to run at me, I slide under him and started running towards him, as he turned around I jumped onto his chest and started lightly hitting him. He grabbed my wrists and rolled me on my back and was about to scratch me, "DEREK STOP TOUCHING ME!" He let go of me. I stood up and kicked him into a tree. He stood up and Scott grabbed my arm. "What?" I asked slightly annoyed. Scott just smiled, "it's my turn."

He cracked his neck. I mentally prepared to fight a true alpha. Stronger than any normal alpha. Scott shifted and so did I. We ran at each other until we smacked into each other. We rolled down the hill kicking and hitting until we hit a tree. He stood up and I looked at him. "You really don't remember?" He looked confused. "I remember." He said with a look I couldn't place. "Oh good." I said as his hand grabbed my waist. "It was better than good. It was amazing." He leaned into my neck and bit my ear lobe. I moaned. Then I pushed him back. "No, we never did anything. It was that girl." He looked dumb founded. "What girl? I'm pretty sure it was just me and you." He placed his hand on my ass and grabbed. I put my hands on his chest and slightly pushed him away. "No Scott, it never happened." I said forcefully. He just looked hurt, "what do you mean? Is this some kind of joke?" He asked. I moved in front of him, "yes and no," I remembered my power that I had. "Scott, remember everything that happened last night." His eyes went wide. Then he sat down. "What the fuck?" He said confused and frustrated. "But I remember everything. I remember pushing you into the glass and into the wall." He looked like he was questioning everything. I knelt in front of him. "You remember her now?" He nodded. "Good, then you remember how she had the alphas and took me?" I shivered, he nodded again. The He got angry. "How did I not do anything. Why did I just forget?" I placed a hand on his shoulder. "I don't know. But I'm assuming it's a lot like how I can control you. We should tell them." He nodded and we both ran up the hill.

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