Week 31

204 8 46

Book of the Week is

"Marie's Tale"

by Grinning_Sunflower

And the personal assignments:

SpeedDemon11 will read "A Blaze in the Dark" by Dante_Greywolf

Eilfen will read "Under Neon Skies" by poznati

Calmagite_Rimuss will read "The Golden Core" by cmroth76

makovea will read "Marie's Tale" by Grinning_Sunflower

Highland_Dancer will read "Marooned on the Planet of the Apes" by Athaja

fezzes will read "What Heroes Are" by katelynmckelle

poznati will read "Curse of the Old English Maid" by Yogurt_girl500

tintinkie will read "The Unordinary Life of the Enchantress" by Eilfen

Athaja will read "Individuality" by MilejdyVan

EZ2016 will read "Life at Clayford Academy" by scarlet_scar

cmroth76 will read "The Lost Tsarevich" by SpeedDemon11

scarlet_scar will read "Just This Once" by EZ2016

Missnutcracker will read "Marie Antoinette: What if it never happened" by Highland_Dancer

Dante_Greywolf will read "Golden Age" by makovea

katelynmckellewill read "The Cure" by fezzes

Grinning_Sunflower will read "Blood Type R" by charlottemallory

  MilejdyVan will read "A Scarlet Rose" by Missnutcracker

charlottemallory will read "The Crimson Guard" by Challoner

Yogurt_girl500 will read "Haunted" by Calmagite_Rimuss

Challoner will read "Book of Panacea" by tintinkie

Since we have a couple of newbies (Hello, welcome, we don't bite unless you forget to feed us :))

A kind reminder that comments should be genuine and thoughtful. They should be 3+ lines. It should go beyond "this is great". You can have in-line comments that are shorter, but there has to be at least one 3+ line review per chapter.

This round ends on the 3th of September, so I can post the new assignments on the 4th.

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