Thank you/Q&A

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Hello, dear readers! I just want to acknowledge the fact that I wouldn't be here without you amazing people. This book would not have been finished and not in the way it is now without all of your awesome support. I was about to finish it at least three times but continued as to get a more impactful ending. And I almost decided to change the ending because I knew my readers would be upset about it. But hey, as of right now I think that my purpose in life to to give people a good cry, so I guess everything checks out?

I also wanted to thank y'all for forty thousand fucking reads, two thousand fucking votes, not to mention one thousand comments. That's a lot. Like holy shit, thank you so fucking much! I cannot express how awesome a feeling it is to realize that this book has so many people liking it! I've read some comments about people who don't necessarily like Tomtord but read this book anyways and that so amazing!

Speaking of comments, wow. Some people are having some pretty weird conversations in this book. It does spam my notifications but it's actually worth it to see the stuff people, who don't know each other, can talk about. I'm glad that this book is the reason some of you people made friends, even if it was for just a few moments.

I decided to end this book with a Q&A because hey, maybe you have questions about this book that'll bother you forever unless they are answered. It's like a last hurrah for me, before I put this book of the shelf.

Onto the rules for the Q&A.
1. You can ask me any question related to this book.

2. I won't answer any questions that I'm uncomfortable with.

3. Look through the comments before you comment; don't ask anything that has already been asked.

4. Question me, don't direct it to the characters as I will be the one answering, not them.

5. If I don't answer your question in part 1, I either will in another part or I won't at all, depending on the amount of questions I get.

6. Ask all questions here. Questions on other chapters won't be answered.

7. I guess I'll answer personal questions? If you really want to know about me then sure, but again, not answering any questions that make me uncomfortable.

8. I'm going to separate the Q&A into different chapters/sections (ie. questions about the book/questions about the author, etc.). So you guys can learn about the things you actually want to know and so I don't bore you with useless facts about me. Not really a rule, just wanted to let you know.

9. I'm going to put a screenshot of your question, meaning that your profile will be displayed. If you don't want this, say so in the request and I can cut it out. If you don't care, ignore this, but privacy does matter.

10. You can be as serious as you want or as silly as you want with these questions. This is for your benefit, so don't be shy.

I'll add a few questions that I know will be asked here.

Q: What gave you the inspiration to write this?
A: The movie "Coraline" gave me inspiration, actually. Y'know that talking cat? Well there's a theory that he was a person once and one of his children was captured by the Beldam (I think?). He was reincarnated as a cat to protect Wybie from the it. I liked the idea of someone being reincarnated to watch over a person. Plus I just like the thought of reincarnation in itself.

Q: Do you have a cat?
A: I actually got two halfway through writing this. Easton (who's cuddling with me as I'm writing this) and Snow. So yeah, I didn't start this book with personal knowledge of cat behaviour, I just had the internet. They're the first cats I've ever had and I love them to bits.

 They're the first cats I've ever had and I love them to bits

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Easton ^

Easton ^

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Q: Will there be a sequel?
A: Maybe. I have ideas, I know what I would do, I just don't know if I can legitimately do it. Firstly, I have a dozen other ideas for Tomtord books. If I don't end up making a sequel I might start fresh with a new idea that's been floating around in my mind. And believe me, I have a lot of other ideas. Secondly, I didn't realize how time-consuming high school is. Thirdly, I have ideas for non-Eddsworld related books. Like, genuinely original stories. I probably wouldn't publish them to Wattpad because I want to become a genuine author with physical books and this could be one of them?

Q: Have Tom and Tord fucked yet?
A: Yes, I cannon that they've had sex. Tom's the bottom in my opinion but you can headcannon it however you want. (Youcantspellbottomwithouttom™) This doesn't give you permission to argue who tops in the comments, please keep those thoughts to yourself.

(By the way, the Q&A, or the first part of it at least, will hopefully be published tomorrow.)

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