Chapter 6

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“Come on Ray! You’re gumming up the works here!” Paul yelled. He was standing by the door to their hotel room, waiting for Renzo to finish with his hair so they could go out to eat.

“Hold on! I’m almost done!” Renzo screamed back while pulling his gelled hair every which way, trying to make neat spikes, glaring at his reflection when he knocked one out of place.

“That’s it! Were leaving without you! Come on guys; let’s leave the little prima-donna here.” Paul said with a hint of distaste in his voice. Renzo heard the door opening and closing and thinking that they had left him behind ran out of the bathroom. He stopped as soon as he saw them, trying to hold in their laughter at the fact that he was so easily fooled. They couldn’t hold it in for long.

“That wasn’t funny.” Renzo pouted.

“Yes it was! Why were you doing your hair anyways? It’s not like you’re going to see anyone that you have to try and impress.” Paul sneered. Renzo blushed, stuffed his hands in his pockets and turned to go to the door.

“Oooohhh, who is it?” Akim said nudging his friend, none the less he shot a pointed stare at Paul for being mean. “Was it that Ash girl who borrowed your shirt?” his smile stretched into a grin which instantly reminded Renzo of the Cheshire cat. Renzo sighed dejectedly.

“Yes. Now can we just go please? I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

“Okay, okay. We’re sorry.” Akim patted him on the back.

“Well enough of the chit-chat girls, lets go eat!” Aric, who was thoughtful through the whole exchange, placed a hand on Renzo’s shoulder for comfort.

They pulled into the parking lot of a small diner, whose sign read ‘Dave’s All Night Diner’. Walking in, Renzo noticed that there was barely anybody there. There were a few old trucker men sitting at the counter, an old couple sitting off in the corner booth and a younger couple sitting in the booth next to them. For the first time Renzo realized how badly he wanted a girlfriend, and not the kind that was on and off again or for only a couple weeks. He wanted a girl that he could spend the rest of his life with, someone who he could grow old with. He stopped looking at the two couples, and sat down in a booth with the rest of the guys. Akim, Paul, and Aric all stared at him, confused looks on their faces.

“What?” Renzo said, feeling a little self-conscious with all of them staring at him. He wiggled in his seat restlessly, feeling uncomfortable.

“What’s up with you? You’re acting weird tonight.” Aric said while the rest of them nodded.

“Nothing! Nothing’s wrong with me.” Renzo was getting a little annoyed of this conversation already.

“Sure sounds like there is. Ever since that night you’ve been kind of distant, detached from the real world. Come to think of it, it was right after that girl left. Ash wasn’t it?” Aric pointed out.

“Yes her name was Ash, can we please leave her out of this.” All Renzo wanted to do right now was get up and leave, but he knew that if he were to do so, the guys would be right there stopping him. And lots more awkward questions would probably follow. Instead he tried to make himself comfortable and put a neutral expression on his face.

“Well, we’re all agreed on this and we think that she is the reason why you’re acting like this.” Aric waved a waitress over, ordering something to eat. The rest of the guys did the same, Renzo just ordered a glass of water.

“Well what if you’re right? What’s the big deal?” Renzo scowled into his glass of water before taking a sip, avoiding Aric’s level gaze which felt like two holes being burned into him.

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