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Are you free anytime soon?

Should be

Can we meet then?

Yeah, I'll text you

Okay :)

"I actually am getting sick of Changbin." I told Minah.

"Why? He cares so much about you!" She said.

"He's been texting me non-stop!" I told her and sighed.

"Maybe because he likes you?" She said and raised her eyebrows.

"Why would he? I mean, he's rich and talented. And me? I dropped out of school!" I said as I put some things back to where they belong.

"Then just go and get Seungmin. You are so complicated, it's obvious you both like each other!" Minah said and facepalmed herself.

"Is it? I never noticed." I said and scratched the back of my head.

I called Seungmin a few minutes later.

"Can we meet up later? I wanna tell you something."

"I need to tell you something too."

I was in front of the shop. Impatiently waiting for Seungmin.

I got more and more nervous with every second.

As I spotted him coming to me I inhaled deeply.

"Let's quickly get over this, I need to cook for my brother."

"You first?"

"I don't know If you noticed, but I like you."


"I am so so sorry Chaesol."

"I just realized I like Minah more."

162 likesleee_ho I won't ever talk to the person who did thisLoad more commentshw

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leee_ho I won't ever talk to the person who did this
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hw.hj.n what happened
moonchaechae i hope you choke


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