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One day after & Grayson's POV

I have a massive headache and I can't stop it if I don't smoke, weed.

I wish I wasn't independent..but I couldn't control it. Once you smoke, there are less chances of you surviving this torture.

I don't know how to call it differently, because it is a torture. For myself and for others also.

I'm hurting her and I'm regretting it. Because of my problems I cause other problems, to other people. I made her cut her wrist. I can't get off my mind the moment I saw her cuts, and the way she was looking at me. Scared and hopeless.

"I have never ever hated someone this much in my life. I fucking hate you." Her words spin in my head. I can't do that to her. She did nothing to me so why hurt her?

Why make her hate me?

I don't want that. I want to be a better me. I never believed that the day would come, the day I'll stop using drugs.

After a few days

I sat in the shower with my knees against my chest. Still kinda petrified from what happened a few nights ago , then Grayson comes in and started digging frantically through the drawers. "Where is it?" He shouted and I just sat staring.

"Fuck!" He shouted punching the glass and that was my que to get out. I grabbed the towel and wrapped myself in it and hurried to the door only to be pulled back. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked and I started shaking.

"I-I was.. I thought that m-maybe you needed some privacy-"

"Can you help me find it? P-please." He asked and I stood shocked. Both by his tone and stuttering.

"Find what?"

"The weed, I have a massive headache and I can't control it... I can't control them." He shouted hitting his forehead and backing away from him.

And that's when I get it.. he stopped using drugs. That's what he have been doing the past few days.

"Um, what do they look like?" I asked and he fell to the ground holding his head.

I'm so sorry for him. He's really trying.

"Grayson? Grayson are you okay?" I asked kneeling besides him.

"Just don't say anything." He whispered and shook violently. I'm sorry but this is scaring me, is this his normal routine? What do I do?

I exhaled as I brought my hand to his cheek.

"Grayson, look at me." I said and he slowly opened his bloodshot eyes. "Calm down." I whispered. He stared at me for awhile before pulling me into a tight hug.

I mean yeah I was literally frozen in shock but he was so afraid.. of what I don't know but all I know was that I hugged him back and we stayed like that for a few minutes.


We were still sitting on the bathroom floor, him clinging at me and me being afraid to move, afraid he might slap the shit out of me or he'll break down again. I glanced over at the sink and I see a bottle of pills.

I guess that's what he was looking for. I reached for it and he grabbed holding me tightly. "W-where you going?" He stuttered.

"No where, I just.. never mind." I mumble sitting still.

"I'm addicted to drugs." He says looking down, feeling guilty.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" He asked looking up at me.

"Because.. I don't know what to say, honestly. I'm afraid to ask or say anything to you and it's not because of what you just told me." I said and he looked down once again.

"Please don't be afraid of me.. I hadn't been smoking for a few days now, that's why I was like that, that's not the real me." He whispered the last words.

"What.. triggered it?" I asked and he sighed putting his head in my lap.

"When I was in high school..I got bullied a lot by basically everyone, plus my mom didn't care and my dad would use to beat the shit out of me when I was coming home with bruises because according to him, I was weak." He said and I opened my mouth to say something but he just continued speaking.

"I couldn't take it anymore, I needed an escape so when I turned 17, I ran away and came to California to live there I started taking drugs. Then I met a girl and I just couldn't help myself and I had to torture her. I wanted to get revenge because everyone was torturing me , and sadly I decided to do the same thing, to her."

"I used kidnapping as a job to torture people. And I became professional to it."

Is that what he plants to do to me?


"You don't need to say anything." he got up and stormed out.

I started shacking. He's going to torture me too. I mean.. he already did.

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