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The next morning when Hongseok awoke he opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling, thinking about the long lonely day he has ahead of him. As his thoughts deepened, he heard rustling behind one of the five doors the basement had.

He was sure that during the two years he was staying in the basement, no one or anything was around. He turned his head to look away from the ceiling towards the doors. Throwing his jacket off himself he sat up and listened closely. More shuffling. He stood and walked to stand a little closer to the doors. Hongseok jumped back at the sudden noise. Something broke. He was sure he heard glass fall onto the floor. It came from one of the two doors in the back.

He walked closer and stood still. He looked around for a weapon and once he saw a crow bar he picked it up. His breathing slowed. Wondering if it could be his friends who hid in one of the rooms all this time, he yanked open the closest door walking in. Nothing but dusty old book shelves filled with old useless things. There was a small window on the right wall that allowed light to dimly light the room. He walked slowly into the room, dragging his feet. An old table that was used in one of the many science rooms stood in the middle of the room. It had all sorts of things piled on it. Forgetting about the noise he had heard earlier, Hongseok walked to the table. He placed the crowbar down.

"Ouch, wha- of course." Hongseok sighed heavily as he stared at the shattered glass on the floor underneath his left foot. At that he stopped. He looked up so quick he felt a sharp pain at the back of his neck. While he rubbed his neck he removed his foot from over the glass and stepped back. He looked around once more.

Nothing is in here. The glass probably fell from all these things piled on the table. Wait. Then what was all that shuffling before it fell? Hongseok's eyes grew big.

He looked around frantically. His breath growing heavier. He began to think that maybe it could have been his friends and they just hid. He walked over the glass and around the table. He didnt see it before but there was another door. It looked like a closet, and the door was slightly opened.

"H-hello?" He whispered. Hongseok started to become scared. He forgot how it made you feel and think. Suddenly he pushed the door wide open not thinking twice about the situation. It's not like there's a murderer in there or anything like that. Right? It was hard to see in the little room. The light from the window did not help whatsoever. He spoke louder this time.

"Hello. Is anyone in there? If there is..please come out. I won't harm you." Hongseok tried his best to look into the room without having to actually put a foot in. At this point he was scared. There was a slight sound that sounded like the thing was breathing hard. He took a step back.

Steps. They grew closer. Light tapping sounds came along with the thing. Hongseok took more steps back until he found himself at the table again reaching for the crowbar. He didnt know if this thing was dangerous, so he might as well be prepared. Crouching behind the table he found a good view of the door. The steps kept coming. How long is that closet? He thought that maybe the thing was just slow at moving. So he waited a couple more seconds. Silence. They stopped. He looked at the door. His heart stopped for the one second he made eye contact with the thing.

He began laughing. Laughing at himself for being scared and having those thoughts.

"Hi there," he said happily with a smile on his face. He stood, put the bar down and walked to the door, once again crouching. "I'm Hongseok, nice to meet you." He patted the thing on the head.

"Well, it's obvious that you won't speak back, but still, introductions are important." He smiled at the thing. It's so cute. For how long was it down here? The thing wasn't a thing. It was a dog, not too small or too old. It was an Australian Shepard. He began laughing again. The dog just stared at him as it sat in front of him. He wondered if it had a name. No. Its been two years and this dog doesn't even have a tag. How though, did it survive? Being locked in here with no food or water. Then he stopped thinking. He looked at the room. Maybe someone brought it here and left it enough food and water for a long time? He stood up, looked down at the dog that also stood and stared back at Hongseok.

"For now on you stay with me, okay? We also have to find you a name." he turned around to walk out of the room. He didn't hear steps. He stopped and looked at the dog. It just stared at him, wagging it's tail.

"C'mere, it's okay." He waved his hand at the dog. To his surprise it understood him. The dog walked to Hongseok and stopped until it reached him. Waiting. Hongseok began walking again looking to see if it followed him. This time the dog didn't leave his side. He smiled as he looked back up and walked out the room.

"I think I'm gonna call you Silence because for two whole years you were completely silent, up until now. You're also a male so it makes a lot more sense. Also because it's all I can think of right now." He said as his voice faded. He walked to where his one layered bed was, picked up his jacket and put it on all while looking at the window. Silence sat by his feet as Hongseok just stood there staring at the window. It whined. He turned his head to Silence.

"Don't tell me you're the attention seeking type. I mean, even if you weren't that's all you'll be getting cause it's just us two left." As he said this he sat down and shrugged his shoulders. Patting Silence on the head he decided to check if it was safe to go out today than what it was yesterday.

Yesterday was hell. An hour after being outside and searching the weather had decided to change. It began to drizzle, he felt as if he never got to shower in these two years but its only been a week. He kept searching for food and a change of clothes but nothing. He was at least ten blocks from the school, that's the farthest he had ever gone. The drizzle got heavier and louder. He stopped and looked up at the sky as it got darker. He sighed knowing that if he ran now he would still get soaked but not so much. So he ran for it. Rain. It fell heavier as he ran. Water. It got all in his vision, he didn't know if he was going in the right direction. Then he saw the old RV parked at the stop sign right before the entrance of the school. He turned left and saw the doors and sped up. By now he was drenched. It was disgusting having his clothes stick onto him. He reached the doors and ran in. For some reason the school wasn't shot down and he was glad it wasn't cause it would've been the end of him too. As he walked down to the basement he took his shirt off, once he reached his room he took the rest of his clothes to dry off except his boxers. Although he was alone he still found it weird to be completely naked. He looked for the extra pair of clothes he stored away from his other journeys and threw them on, but not before changing his boxers. He decided to lie down and go to sleep knowing the storm wouldn't end so quickly.

He walked up the stairs alongside Silence and began talking to him. "So, um do you think the weather will be better today? I hope that it is. I hope I can find a better place for us to stay at." As he reached the basement door, he noticed that it was cracked open. Silence began to growl, his steps slowed. He began to freak. What could it be this time? He asked himself in fear. This time he was really scared. He slowly walked up the stairs.

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