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The shadow crouched down on all fours. It crawled towards them. Hongseok took three steps back and the fourth he spun to run away, but suddenly pushed hard into the lockers. He fell to the ground and winced as his whole body was in pain. He closed his eyes and took a couple of deep breaths before trying to pry himself off the floor. Silence was barking in the background. The tapping continues to echo in the halls. He soon heard it loud and clear in both his ears. With his eyes still closed he put his hands over his ears and tried to block the noise out the best he could. It was in his head. He was terrified. He felt weak. Hongseok began to cry. The tapping slowly faded. Slowly moving his hands away from his ears, he opened his eyes tears streaming down his face as he tried to calm himself. Quiet. All was silent to the point where all he heard was his heavy breathing. Wiping his face he looked around for Silence. Nothing. He finally sat up and leaned against what he assumed were the lockers. He clutched his left hip as the pain mostly resided in that area. Trying to ignore the pain, he looked around once again searching for Silence. New tears started to take form as he realized he couldn't see. He turned to where he remembered Silence last stood squinting hard to look.

The tapping began again. He broke out in cold sweat. He tried to stand on both his legs with the help from the lockers. Ugh I hate myself. Why do I have to be such a weak ass. Silence, you better still be there or I swear on the remains of this Earth I'm going to die looking for you. Hongseok stumbled a few times before he could stand without holding onto anything. Still gripping onto his side he cautiously stepped forward towards the spot. Believing that he reached it he crouched down and blindly felt around for Silence, hoping he was seated silently waiting for him. His hand hit something soft. He reached out for it and as soon as his hand landed on it he sighed. Smiling he grabbed onto Silences paw and followed the rest of the leg going up. He wanted to hug Silence, but to do so he had to first find his head so he wouldn't suffocate him. As his hand inched higher, the body shifted. He felt a flat surface. Hongseok didn't realize in time that it wasn't Silence. Something had wrapped itself around his wrist tightening the more he tried to resist and pull away.

"Let go of me!" He yelled to the thing holding him. He continued to struggle. He stood and tried to run hoping it will loosen it's grip. It didn't budge. Letting go of his side, he used his left hand to try and push away from the form. It was no use. Hongseok started to scream at the top of his lungs, using all his force to get away. He cried for help this time. "SILENCE! SILENCE WHERE ARE YOU?!! HELP ME! AGHH! SILENCE! PLEASE!"

He cried harder and decided to try running again. He slipped and hit his head hard on the floor. He was free at last. Sniffling he touched his head feeling something icky drip onto his forehead. Blood. What if it got to Silence before me? Is that why he isn't coming? Oh please no, God, don't let that be it. Hongseok curled up sobbing his heart out. The last he whispered out before slowly drifting to sleep was, "Silence....please still be alive. Please."

His eyelids became heavier each passing minute. His vision was hazy but he could still make out the fact that there was light. A dark figure moved to stand before him. He wasn't able to make out what it was before his eyelids completely shut. He wished he could go to sleep but his mind wouldn't allow him. The little memories he had with Silence repeatedly played in his head. Hongseok knew he was still awake when he heard the haunting tapping noise. Panicking in his mind he wanted so badly to sleep and not know what was going to happen.

Something blew on his face. Hongseok crinkled his nose. It stunk. What the hell? Eww, why does it smell? He thought before he was blown at again. Repeatedly he was blown at and every time it smelled. Hongseok shifted a little, and this time he felt a wet substance on his nose. He froze. Slowly he peeked open his eyes. The same dark figure was stood in front of him along with the blowing. Tilting his head up to look at the figure his heart pounded. Why. Every. Single. Damn. Time. Why. He opened his eyes and sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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