the school

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He walked up the stairs alongside Silence and began talking to him. "So, um do you think the weather will be better today? I hope that it is. I hope I can find a better place for us to stay at." As he reached the basement door, he noticed that it was cracked open. Silence began to growl, his steps slowed. He began to freak. What could it be this time? He asked himself in fear. This time he was really scared. He slowly walked up the stairs.

If he remembered correctly, he has never once left the door to the basement opened when he comes back. He always closes it when he leaves and vice versa.

Silence wouldn't stop growling. Hongseok thought that he should turn around and go back to hide in one of the rooms. He looked at Silence who looked back and stopped growling, he whispered "Hey. Let's go back, yeah? Maybe we should go back to slee-"

He was cut off. Silence looked to the door lowering his head as he growled. It was scary deep and just kept growing deeper. Hongseok looked to the door slowly. There was nothing there. He didn't hear anything either. Oh God, I'm scared. Why does he keep growling? Hopefully it's just another dog. Hongseok decided to keep going up slowly. There was only ten more steps until he reached the door and he didn't even have a weapon. He felt Silence move slowly next to him. Then they stopped. He now knew why the growling wouldn't stop. Light tapping noises were heard from the halls right before the door. Hongseok crouched down and climbed a few more steps until he was three steps away from the door. He listened closely.

The tapping seemed to be getting further from the door. Hongseok decided to climb the last three steps and peep out the door. Before he did though, he looked back to Silence who was also crouched down beside him. He waited a couple of seconds before slowly standing and peeking out. The only thing he saw was the main entrance doors to the school. He backed away and quietly pushed the door a little wider so his head would fit. He stood up and carefully poked his head out to look down the other side of the hall. There was nothing. He quickly hid his head back behind the door. From the sudden movement Silence had jumped back a little. Hongseok didn't know if he should close and lock the door, or to push it open and run out of the school.

Hongseok was lost in his thoughts when he heard Silence begin to growl again. Oh my goodness, please stop growling. Just as he was about to take a step back down he heard the tapping again. It was faint but as the seconds passed they got clearer and much louder. Whatever it was kept getting close. Hongseok turned to face Silence and shushed him from growling.

"Quiet. Whatever it is will hear you. I can't die on an empty stomach on the stairs of an old basement." he whisper shouted at Silence who reluctantly obeyed. The tapping nonstop grew loud. Then it stopped. He didn't hear it anymore. "That's weird? I swe-"

He felt a gush of wind hit his back. It didn't feel nice. It wasn't the fresh wind that softly hits your body when the sun is glaring down at the world. Hongseok froze on the steps. He looked at Silence, he wasn't growling. Now he was confused. Slowly he turned to face the door. His heart began to race.

He didn't care anymore. In a low voice he said, "Silence.........RUN!" As he yelled out the last part he bolted towards the door hoping that Silence was right behind him. He turned left, a huge mistake on his part, running down the never ending halls of the school. He heard the tapping, not wanting to look back, he looked to his sides noticing Silence wasn't there. Oh God. Why, why, why? As he turned to the corner on his right he glanced back and saw Silence right on his tail. Nothing else. He let out a huge sigh.

He decided to slow down and look around. Silence came up alongside him, making him jump back a bit. Hongseok laughed and remembered to this morning when he was scared of what Silence could've been. What just happened was different. He didnt know what it was but it scared him.

Silence walked ahead of him, as if nothing had just happened. He wished they could switch places. Walking a little faster to catch up to Silence, he glanced in each lecture room. Reminiscing the times when he used to sit in those seats. He never thought he would say these words, "I miss the world." He sighed as he kept walking straight. Slowing down he wondered why all of a sudden things began to happen. Silence was gone. Hongseok looked down both sides of the hall to see if he could figure out which room he went into. How did I lose him? I wasn't even distracted for even a minute. He began walking away from where had they came. He checked every room he passed but there was no sign of Silence. He began to worry. Maybe if I call out to him he'll come? He came to the end of the hall and just as if it was an intersection, three more halls appeared. He looked to the one on his right, it was dimly lit due to the window on the left hall, the dark corners of the hall seemed to be sinking in every second. There was a faint shadow. It must be Silence. As he opened his mouth to speak the shadow stood. Hongseok took a step back to hide behind the lockers at the edge, he peeked over and saw the shadow making it's way to him.

Breathing heavily, he quickly hid his head again. He looked back to the hall from where he came and saw another shadow emerging from one of the lecture rooms. He peeked down the other to see the shadow still coming. He closed his eyes and slid to the ground beginning to think that he was finally going to die. He peeked them open. He felt tears welling up in the corner of his eyes. It was just Silence. He let out a breath of relief. Wait...Silence!? What the hell? He stood and ran to Silence. "Where have you been dude, I've been looking everywhere for you. If you were going to go into hiding you could have made some kind of signal. I almost died. There was this shadow thing that was coming to me and then I looked back here and saw another coming from this room. I thought you were one until you walked out and I couldn't be anymore happier that you aren't one, but right now I'm just wasting time telling you all of this. We need to go before that shadow thing turns the corner."

Hongseok was out of breath from all the talking, he felt like he just gave a short presentation. He looked back to the corner and saw the shadow on the floor ascending from the hall. He tried to pull on Silence to get him to run but he wouldn't budge. "Cmon, let's go Silence. Gosh, why are you so heavy? Fine, if you wanna die go ahead but I'm leaving back to the basement." He let go of Silence and began to walk ahead, he turned to see Silence sit on the floor with his tongue out. "Ugh Silence, cmon please? I don't want any of us to die. I can't lose you the day I just found you. You're the only one I have. Please?" At this point Hongseok's tears really began to take form and as one fell down his cheek Silence got up and walked to him. He licked his cheek from which the tear fell. Hongseok smiled and hugged Silence. "Okay let's go, yeah?"

Walking back up the hall, Hongseok couldn't help but look back to the corner. He saw the shadow was gone. He faced forward and picked up his pace. For all I know that shadow thing can be anywhere, I can't put myself or Silence in danger. As he turned back he saw the same shadow in front of them at the corner. Silence growled. His heart stopped just as he did.


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