Oliver Wood X Ravenclaw Reader

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"Hey Wood come here for a sec will ya?" You yell across the quidditch pitch to your rival, you were the captain of the Ravenclaw team and you would do anything to win.

You waited for him to get closer and when he did you grabbed the top of his robes and pulled him in close

"I've been thinking maybe after this we could go to Hogsmeade and get a butter beer?" His face turns bright pink and he stumbles back once you let go "think about it will you?" You reach up and give him a peck on the cheek, leaving a red mark from the lipstick you were wearing.

The match started and everything went exactly as planned, Oliver was in shock, he played terribly and that directly impacted his team, they didn't know what to do. It became easy to score on them and soon you had a hefty lead in points. It all stopped as soon as it started, the seeker on your team caught the snitch and you were all on the ground cheering happily.

As you were leaving the change rooms, happily humming to yourself you were suddenly pulled  by your arm around the corner into a soft wall, oh wait not a wall but a person. You scowl and look up only to find Oliver looking at you with an equally menacing look.

"What do you want Wood?"

"Why the bloody hell did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Don't act coy now Y/LN, I know you did that on purpose just to leave me flustered"

"I wasn't suggesting anything, it's your own fault for thinking that. You just admitted you like me, and that's your weakness not mine"

"I-I did no such thing!"

"Then why did you get flustered"

He groaned in defeat, and then his expression softened

"You're right Y/N" the way he whispered that made your knees go weak but you couldn't show it so you just continued to scowl. He looked at you and slipped a finger under your chin lifting it up, your mind blanked and the next thing you know his lips were on yours. You're brain didn't process that you were supposed to hate him so you kissed back eagerly.

He suddenly pulled roughly away, leaving you stunned. A blush crept up to your cheeks as you realize what you had done.

"Why are you so flustered Y/N" he smirked

"I-I, you just kissed me!"

"Why should that matter? Hmmm unless it's because you like me, if you really didn't like me you wouldn't have kissed back"

"I wasn't thinking"

"So you let your heart decide"

"What! No!"

"It's okay Y/N, we both like each other. I've decided I'll take you up on that offer to go to Hogsmeade, how about after the next game?"


"I'll take that as a yes, I'll see you then" he turned around on his heel and walked away, the smirk still etched in his face, leaving you fuming.

You groan, your once happy mood was now turned sour by a breathtaking kiss, why did your sworn enemy have to be such a good kisser. And how was he smart enough to turn your own words against you? Damnit

- - -
The weeks flew by and before you knew it it was time for the next game; Slytherin versus Hufflepuff. You found a seat closest to the front and waited eagerly for the match to begin, you were cheering for Slytherin, they were definitely going to win. You feel someone sit uncomfortably close to you and you turn your head only to see Oliver. You roll your eyes and turn back to the game.

"Ready for Hogsmeade after this?"

"Mhmm" you answer flatly back but of course you were sort of excited, definitely would not give him the satisfaction by telling him of course

Just as you predicted Slytherin won, unfairly of course but they still won. You cheer excitedly and then turn to leave the bleachers and then you remember, and turn back only to see Oliver sitting there looking all smug. He took your hand and the two of you walked to Hogsmeade hand in hand, it was rather sweet actually.

That night you went back to the Ravenclaw dorms feeling happy and satisfied, you kissed Oliver about a million times, the two of joked about quidditch and talked for hours.

- - - -
Long time no update oops, but I start school this upcoming week so I'll try and update one more time before I start. Sorry for being so unpredictable ahh.
But thanks for almost 1k reads!!!!!!!!!!!

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