It's Different

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I'm sorry for the delay but please enjoy this chapter! On with the show! or story? Well, whatever.



Have you ever woke to feel as though you had not slept a wink that night? Well, that was how Miyuki felt at that very moment as he opened his eyes. Today was the day he would be heading off to his first day of school as well as the very first time he will be leaving May with someone she did not know. Before he moved in he had gone to a different school which had a daycare near it, it took May exactly a month to at least trust he would come back for her and another to trust the teachers. He really did not know how she would react to being left behind with complete strangers. Yesterday he was only gone for a few hours and he came back to her crying her head off. Can he really just leave her there alone again?

He felt May move around in her sleep, smacking her lips mumbling something he could not hear though he was positive it had something to do with strawberries. Trying not to wake her he set on starting his day with getting dressed for school. Unlike his other school, this one wore sleeves which he missed since buying under sleeves was hell for him and his budget. 

It felt weird getting dressed so slowly knowing someone was actually making food for him and not the other way around.

Back at his foster home, his foster parents never cooked for him or May, honestly, if he had not learned how to cook the possibility of them starving was 100%. But he had to make sure to never get caught or he would be punished. 

He looked at his body as he thought about his foster parents, he was afraid his new family would be the same. Would they hurt him and May? 

He looked away from his body trying to ignore the feeling deep in his stomach. Deciding to focus on May who always made him smile. Miyuki laid out her clothes as he carefully dressed her as she was still asleep. Once finished he nodded at her cute black onesie that had a tail on the back and a hood with cat hears. He was sure others would think she was adorable to the point of fainting. Packing a small bag for May he grabbed his things and headed out closing the door behind him. 

Without thinking he headed to the elevator hoping to down to the first floor faster and to make sure he did not accidentally wake May. And just like the day before there stood Ukyo and Emma who were quietly setting the table for breakfast. Just like the other day, there were only a few places mats out.

"Good morning" he whispered only for them to hear.

Ukyo smiled as he noticed May still asleep, Emma did not and loudly greeted him. 

"Morning!" May sturred as Miyuki tried to rock her hoping she would not wake. Luckily she did not, Emma silently apologized to him. 

He made his way to sit down while readjusting May to lay down in his arms with one hand free so he could eat. At first, it was only them three but soon Yusuke came down along with Subaru and Wataru. He did not think much since they were all in a way still going to school. But when Masaomi and Kaname came down he could not help but wonder where they were going so early in the morning. One by one all of his new brothers came down silently greeting him as they all noticed May sound asleep. Miyuki was still confused about why everyone was awake but he decided not to dwell on the matter. Yusuke stood as he finished his food grabbing Miyuki as well as he had finished long ago but was afraid to move in case he woke up May.

"Let's go" he grunted out while yawning, he was obviously not a morning person. 

Miyuki looked at him then at May wondering what to do. He knew he had to go to school but he did not know what to do. Luckily, it was Louis who stood up as he offered to take May.

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