Chapter 3.

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Monday... The day I dreaded most. I would have to show my face in half an hour in that stupid art class, first of any classes.

One more day to skip all classes wouldn't hurt would it?

I think I was only limited to four absents for each semester, and I just used one. I need to save the last three for emergencies or special occasions. Then they would probably take away my scholarship and free pass to going to school.

I shouldn't have any reasons to even be skipping school, because as it is, I had to take three of the simplest general classes: English, Philosophy, and Art, and only two of three required showing up Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Most of everybody had five or six classes, five days a week. I was lucky in all honesty.

But I wasn't lucky right now, because stupid me signed up for art five days a week and I wasn't sure I could drop the extra two days as of now.

I probably could considering I had extra credits, and was suppose to be scheduled to graduate early. As a freshman, I have the amount of credits as if I were attending my third year in college. Even then, I could bet that I had more than Hunter Brooks who was a third year student.

Stop being a coward! I mentally shouted at myself, looking down into the sink, before slowly looking up at myself in the mirror.

I winced as I saw my reflection. My eyes were red as if I were crying in my sleep. I pulled down at cheeks with my palms, groaning while the flesh under my eye lid showed.

The closest thing to make-up I usually put on is mascara so that my prescribed brown eyes seemed pretty, and eye liner so that my eyes are given emphasis. But mascara, eyeliner, nor contacts would help my blotchy eyes and bags. I had to go natural today, even with no contacts. I was extremely tired, and couldn't risk letting my eyes close for 2 minutes and the contacts getting stuck under my eyelid.

I think that I have a pretty face most of the time, but from the shoulders down is why I'm depressed. I wish I wasn't this way, but I don't know how I can help myself.

I'm not determined enough to exercise.

And I get too hungry to starve myself for more than a day.

But if it's worth anything, I'm glad I don't have a flat nor flabby ass.

I face away from the mirror, checking my phone. For some reason, I wasted fifteen minutes looking at myself in the mirror. It was now 6:45 and class was about to began in 15 minutes. It took atleast ten minutes to get there if I sped there, but I wanted to stop by the coffee shop for hot chocolate this cold and cloudy morning. It would keep me up and tie me over until dinner time. Professor McCormick was bound to be late anyway, so what would it matter if I myself was 5 minutes late?

I changed into sweats because it wouldn't make sense to wear jeans in the misty weather in addition to having a pottery assignment today. I shoved my phone inside my hoodie pocket, grabbing my bag, and bolting towards the elevator. It took too long to come, so I rushed towards the stairs. It was a good exercise for my legs this morning though I hadn't wanted to and would never if I had the choice but my lazy side couldn't compete because I had five minutes to get to class, and about another fifteen since McCormick was going to be late. The coffee shop was going to be crowded this morning with students trying to get last minute pastries and hot beverages.

I'd never woken up thirty five minutes before class. I was lucky I even heard the door slam, signaling that Samantha had left for class. I knew I shouldn't have started reading that book before I went to bed, but I was eager. And once I started, I couldn't stop until I finished the whole 482 pages. It was so addicting that I probably only got two hours of sleep. And I couldn't quite wait to buy the next five books in the series.

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