Chapter 7.

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It was pouring down rain today with lightning, thunder, and all. It was all so hard and scary for no reason at all, and today I just so happened to be in a decent mood. When I'd woken up to get to class, I was dressed in sweats yet again and rain boots. I got to class with squeaking boots, and wet shoulders. The beanie on my head hadn't been much of a protection from the rain. I was the first and only in class when they announced that all classes were cancelled for the time's being.

I groaned, burying my face in my hands as it was announced. Suddenly, another squeaking pair of boots entered the room with hitched breathing and a distraught entrance.

I looked up at the professor who was carrying many cardboard boxes that were ruined because of the rain and two big bags, along with her purse.

Suddenly she pressed her phone to her wet ear that must had been on vibrate because I hadn't heard it ring. "What," she answered in a harsh tone, trying to put everything down without dropping anything. She was successful but had accidentally pushed a small pottery pot of pencils over her desk.

The ceramic shattering made me jump silently. I just watched since she hadn't noticed me yet. But then again, it wasn't a good idea to sneak up on people.

"Well, you guys couldn't of told me that shit a full ten minutes ago when I was struggling in the rain to get my materials out of my car?"

She placed her phone on speaker, putting her forehead on her desk in defeat. She hardly moved, you'd thought she was dead.

"I'm sorry, baby. We didn't know the rain would get this bad."

Oh? Baby. She was definitely dating a coworker here.

That's so cute, I thought even though I wondered who it could be. It couldn't have been my only other two teachers, because my Philosophy teacher was a female and that was a male's voice. My English teacher was a gay and a part time piano teacher.

I listened on.

"It's okay," she whispers sadly, tired. It wasn't okay to her. She was furious, but couldn't lash out on the man whom she probably loved.

"I'll make it up to you. Dinner. Just me and you. Tonight."

"I can't." She acted sullen, whispering into the phone.

"Why." It wasn't a question, but a demand.

"It's raining. It's a sad day. Another day."

"Tonight we watch movies and cuddle. Dinner on Thursday, and you can't say no, it won't rain. I'm watching the news at this very moment." I noticed he had a slight accent. Who else had an slight accent?

Alex and Max did... and for some slight reason Elizabeth Spoggins had a thick accent that almost seemed to rub off on her boyfriend, Hunter, because he as well had an accent. We were in America, but so many of these people around me had come from other countries that spoke differently. Amazing.

I didn't know a professor with an accent, so I gave up the guessing game.

"Fine," she's smiling with her forehead still against her desk.

"Then Friday, we have dinner with the kids, if they aren't out with their partying ways. And I'll make a life changing deal with you..."

Life changing deal?

"Okay. That sounds like a plan..."

What the heck? I should have left when I had the chance, because now I'm witnessing a teacher booty call.

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