Chapter 10.

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I was very sleepy, yet sleep hadn't pulled me under. At least not until after I heard low snores from Kylie's mouth about an hour later.

Even when sleep had then pulled me under it's blanket, I felt an interruption from my body that wouldn't let me shut down quite yet. I now had to pee.

I mentally groaned. My position was way too comfortable, to get up. But it was either that, or wake up on someone's else futon, covered in my own body fluid.

She would never be my friend again, and I'd be banned from her home. And that would be so embarrassing.

I didn't know what was behind the two extra doors in her room, but I decided not to go down the road of getting lost in her closet by accident and trying to blindly get out. That would be pitiful.

I followed where I'd come from to get inside her room, balling my toes up just incase I hit my foot on something. It was very simple to get out of her room and into the corridor. However, the question of the hour remained: Which door led to the bathroom?

I'd rather play twenty doors in the corridor with a dim amount of light than in an expensive room with no light whatsoever. Because if I broke something, I couldn't quite pay for anything's replacement.

She said that almost no one else ever slept on the last floor, so I wouldn't be invading someone's privacy by opening a random door.

I had ventured into a left turn on another corridor to find the bathroom.

Instantly, when I was inside the bathroom, I had bent to the level of an outlet, digging in my pockets to retrieve my phone and charger, but I only had the charger. The phone must have fallen onto the futon.

I groaned in defeat, kicking the toilet's base that resulted in chipping my toenail. I whimpered to myself while sliding down the wall, then leaning against the tub that was much like a mini pool. Big enough for many.

A few minutes later, I was leaving the bathroom, closing the door behind me, swearing under my breath. And just then, thunder clapped, making me frantic while speed walking towards the room next to the elevator.

It was as if there was a killer behind me, because my heart was palpitating along with my jagged breaths.

The door to the right of elevator was my destination. But when I got there, the door was strangely locked. I hadn't even closed it. You can't knock on the door and wake Kylie up, my brain warned me. It's just rude.

But lightning made me start knocking on the door rapidly regardless. Sorry, Kylie, I thought afterwards.

But a minute had passed, and I didn't even atleast see the light turn on under the door.

I was about a second away from panicking and going ballistic until I realized the door on the left that was slightly open, just like I had left Kylie's door.

Chagrin covered my terror. So maybe I had confused my left from my right? Big deal.

I felt around the room for the futon, but the room was almost empty. I gasped.

I wanted to cry.

I was lost and scared. So then, I did cry... But only faint sobs.

Time passed and I found myself stumbling down the opposite direction of the hall, making a right turn. You wouldn't believe me if I said that there was another elevator at the end of that hall. More tears fell from my eyes as I softly groaned against my hand in stupidity. Either I was hallucinating or dreaming.

The door on the right of this new hall, what was obviously Kylie's room, had the light on.
Oh no, I'd woken her up.

I trudged to the door, and tried opening it, but soon after, remembered that it might or might not've been a door the locks automatically when it's closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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