Chapter 5.

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I'd never woken up feeling like a wholly refreshed and internally new person. The only difference between this morning and yesterday morning was that I didn't have a headache then like I do now. I was still stuck in the same body, unfortunately.

Elizabeth would have slaughtered me if I wasn't dreaming about what happened yesterday afternoon. Hunter Brooks had actually been here? And in my bed with me?

It didn't add up, because the dorm room was locked, and suddenly he was in my dorm. He didn't even have any purpose to be here, so that's how I know it was all fake.

If the dent in the left side of my bed was suppose to convince me, then I wasn't fooled yet.

At least in my dream he didn't comfort me by saying "Shhhhh...." because letting it all out was what I needed, and for once I had a great and long slumber which I hadn't had in almost forever.

I'd woken up at five in the morning to a slight drizzle outside. It was two hours before class which gave me time to shower, eat, and even fit a few chapters in of reading.

In my dream, Hunter had accidentally knocked over a cup of colored pencils at my desk trying to turn the lamp off at my desk. When I looked over at my desk, the pencils were back in place inside the cup. I shook my head, continuing on with my schedule.

After I showered and had a poptart with apple juice, it was 6:00.

A rapid knock came to the door at 6:08.

I rushed to answer the door because it seemed urgent, not wondering who it could be.

As I opened the deadbolt, in flew through the door was Samantha with soaked hair not from the drizzle, but from a shower.

"Ugh!" She groaned aloud, flying towards the bathroom. She was still in her pajamas, which were short shorts and a tank top without a bra. I always wondered how a girl could be so perfectly fine with sleeping and walking out without a bra. How could you be okay with people seeing the outline of your nipples through your shirt? I shivered, following her.

"What's wrong, Samantha?" I asked. Hopefully she wasn't moving back in. Not that I didn't like her. It was just illogical for two opposites to be roommates who shared no common interests.

"I fucking told that asshole, Cunter to come back here and get my blowdryer yesterday!"

Cunter? Oh.

"And he didn't?" That vial nickname bothered me because after all, he was nice if I hadn't actually been dreaming, but I had to bite my tongue.

"Ugh. No. He said he forgot because he was handling something else urgent. Like, what the hell else could be so urgent that he couldn't simply grab my dryer, and go?!"

Oh. He was here then. But was my situation actually that urgent? I gulped. Maybe he was somewhere else and had something urgent to take care of, and I was actually dreaming. Because if it were real, he would have atleast left me a text or something since he had my number? Then again, there's nothing you can really say after seeing someone have a mental breakdown.

She was furious, as she bent down, rummaging through the cabinet under the sink for her hair dryer. She was upset. I would be too if I had to walk through the drizzle to another building early in the morning.

"Doesn't Elizabeth have one?"

She groaned when she found it. "Yeah, but hers has to he plugged up, and mine is wireless."


"Yeah. The power went out in our building."

"Oh, sucks..." Was all I could say. What else was acceptable to say?

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