Sleep Forever

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    My uncomfortable sleep came to a sudden stop with an earsplitting shriek. I whipped my head around for the source of the noise before my eyes settled on my moirail. He gave me an apologetic smile as he helped me up off the floor. This isn't a regular start to the day, I would have been up an hour ago. Sleep came later yesterday since I was busy thinking about my flush crush and what might happen if I confessed. Those that I might lose or hurt, and- Oh lord, I was crying again.

    Upon seeing my indigo tears, Vaxene pulled me into a hug and let me just cry it out before saying anything. I wished that I could be there for him more often like he's always been there for me. I didn't try to hug him back in fear of breaking one of his arms again, but I guess that's the trade off here.

    "Hey, what's wrong? Horrorterrors again? Overthinking? You can tell me," He whispered, patting my back. Looking down, I tried to wipe away my tears, although my attempts were in vein.

   "J... Just overthinking until I passed out. Things like, what if I lost you or Ebonii or.. or even b... both?" sobs were threatening to choke out. Vaxene stepped back, hands on my shoulders. His harsh gaze met mine.

   "I will NEVER let that happen. I care too much. And please, try to keep those thoughts out of your thinkpan, they're not heathy." As usual, he was right about my overthinking, but I couldn't help it. I still was worried about how he'd react if I told him that I was flushed for his kismississ. Yep, I, Darein Cature had a flush crush on my moirail's kismississ, Zadari Yimera. Sounds like the plot to a shitty romcom, right. But it was true, and I was scared for my life to be honest.

    "Hey, wanna go bother our favourite teal blood?" Vaxene grinned at me, a glint of mischief replacing  the harshness in his eyes. A slightly sarcastic smile dawned on my face and pulled on my shoes. He raced down stairs, me following in a regular walk, he could be so childish at times.

    "By, DD! See ya later!" I called into my hive before closing the door and getting pulled onto the back of my moirail's giant lusus. He gave the okay for his lusus to start moving and I grabbed onto some fur of the soft paw beast. It was a rather short ride to the teal blood's house since she didn't live too far from my hive.

    When we arrived, the door was locked, as expected. So we did the logical thing. We threw small stones at the window of her restbitblock. In a puff of smoke, our friend appeared in front of us.

    Her hair was a bit messy, there were bags under her eyes, and there was an irritated expression spread across her face. Bad time. Very bad time indeed.

    "Heeeyy Ebonii-"

    "Who's grand idea was it to throw stones at my window?" She snapped in question, a tired Ebonii was one of the few things on this planet that truly scared me, and for good reason. Vaxene and I both pointed to one another. It was really Vaxene's idea in the first place, because he's practically never heard of fear. Ebonii let out a sigh before kicking Vaxene in the shin and almost smacking me upside the head. Almost.

    I had put up my arm in defense and she stopped before her hand made contact. Guess she didn't want to break another bone this time. She may have been mad, but she still had common sense.

    "What do you two want anyway?" She asked as she raked a hand through her hair.

    "We don't have anything better to do. So we decided to hang out with you and talk about whatever," Vaxene explained, scratching at the back of his hand. I carefully swatted his hand away from each other. Ebonii grinned at the two of us, gaining her regular high energy. She suddenly had a small grey capsule type thing in her hand, she set it on the ground and stomped on it. The three of us were surrounded by smoke that made me a little dizzy.

    As the smoke cleared, we were in Ebonii's restbitblock, just another one of her little tricks. It fit as though I had two left feet and I fell on my ass. Luckily enough, there was a fluff square where I landed. Ebonii and Vaxene were both still standing, Ebonii had a devilish smirk and Vaxene was doing a poor job of holding back a laugh. I promptly flipped the two off and readjusted my position so I was sitting with my knees to my chest. Both of them sat down as well, making a triangle out of our group.

    We then went on about our day so far, apparently, Ebonii had woken up too long ago, her lusus wouldn't stop screeching until it was fed.  Vaxene's interaction with his neighbor was ridiculous as usual. Ebonii succeeded in smacking me upside the head when I brought up my overthinking, calling me an idiot for even thinking that her or Vaxene would ever abandon me. I guess I deserved it.

    Halfway through Vaxene making fun of Gredev, Ebonii's husktop went off and she pulled it into her lap. After a few minutes of typing, she looked up from the device.

    "Hey... Is it okay if Zadari comes over?" My bloodpumper started pounding in my chest when Ebonii spoke that name. I didn't allow my feelings to show though, I've already almost let it slip a few times already. Vaxene began scratching at the back of his hand again and shrugged.

    "It's okay with me, as long as Baleya isn't joining her." An uncomfortable look shown upon Vaxene's face. Ebonii nodded and went back to typing.

    "What's up between you and Baleya, huh?" His scratching got worse and he began to draw blood, it made me wince.

    "I know that she's my auspitice and all, but it's obvious that she has ulterior motives-" he stopped scratching and just stared at the back of his hand, "-She doesn't exactly try to hide her red feelings for me, and shows them every chance she gets. I've tried telling her that I'm not interested, but she just continues," He finished, setting his hand down. A frown was obvious on Ebonii's face as she typed. I, on the other hand, was pissed. Both at the fact that someone was making my moirail feel such a way, and with how he hadn't told me sooner. This anger got the best of me, and I punched Vaxene in the arm, breaking it.

    Panic spread across my features realizing what I did. Tears started racing down my cheeks again as I rushed out of Ebonii's restbitblock to go get the first aid kid. I knew where it was at this point because of similar incidents in the past.

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