Buckle Up Friends

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    'Darein, that asshole! Tryin' to steal the one I'm after! If I didn't already know that he could easily beat me in a fight, my whip would be tied around his throat.' I think to myself, logging off of Trollian and walking out to the training yard. Zadari helped me set it up when I moved in since I didn't have a lusus.

    This is a really nice way to let anger out, on stuffed dummies. I grab a hold of my whip and start making tears in my fraud opponents.

    "So... Who pissed you off? Yet another person saying that Vaxene won't be your matesprit?" Magtri's bored voice sounded from behind me. 'Why does he have to pester me instead of some other rust blood?' I sigh and nod my head, knowing exactly what he was going to say next.

    "Well, it's true, he just isn't into you, he's said it, his moirail has said it, YOUR moirail has said it, heck, even Zadari has said it. And she's Vaxene's kismisiss!" He goes on with the regular tangent. Can't a gal work towards what she dreams of? Apparently not, because no one will let me.

    Kapten casually rests his arms on the fence and asks "Baleya? Are you talking to yourself again?" I look up at Magtri and stick my tongue out at him.

    "No." Kapten raises an eyebrow at me, he definitely thinks what I'm saying is a load of bull. He doesn't say anything though and hops over the fence.

    "What do you want anyway?" I ask, placing a hand on my hip, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just a little stressed. Kapten dusted himself off a bit and looked up at me with a light smile.

    "Just here to see if you're emotions are in check and if you need to vent." I fold my arms and glare up at him. He has no right to be so nosey, it's irritating. But since he's my moirail, he must have a reason.

    "It's just that Darein said that Vaxene would likely never go out with me. And that my attempts are just making him more and more uncomfortable. But I can tell Darein's true intentions! He's just trying to keep Vaxene to himself!" I give a short rant and it feels like a small bit of weight as been lifted off my shoulders.

    "Now that wasn't so hard, was it? How do ya feel now?" Although I hate to admit it, I feel much better and give him a thumbs up. He pats my back and goes over to the stuffed opponent with a half frown.

    "How about this, today is gonna be a you day! So, you get to decide what to do today. What'll it be?" What did I do to deserve a moirail like him? Oh yeah, I dragged my lusus out to the forest and it got slaughtered by his... Never mind that now! Gotta think. I ponder what to do for another moment or two and come up with something that would be okay.

    "How about we go to paint the sea!" I smile, already running to my hive to grab the poorly made paints I have. Looking back, I could see his eyes light up in both joy and worry, exactly why I choose this activity.

    By the time that I get back outside, he has his own paints and canvases. I nod to him and we begin heading towards the shoreline.

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