Found you

18 0 0

    Ahh, nice and peaceful, no having to deal with the tension of a dead acquaintance. Although I do feel a little guilty about leaving Dari there all by himself, but I had to get out of there. Plus, I don't need to keep my tail tucked under my hoodie since I'm alone.

    That's when I feel my mobile go off, most likely trollian. It could be anyone I know, as well as a variety of people that I don't. After a while of debate, I take my mobile and turn it on. 'Oh thank goodness'

rainingRiver [RR] began trolling pitchyFlutest [PF]
RR: Hey duude, youu okay?
RR: Youu kinda left in a huurry.
PF: <S0rry ab0ut that, I just g0t really unc0mf0rtable.>
PF: <Didn't mean t0 just up and leave ya there.>
RR: It's alright, Eb kiCked uus ouut not long after youu left.
RR: She had other buusiness to attend to.
PF: <0h, well, h0w have y0u been?>
RR: ???
RR: We were juust hanging ouut at Eb's earlier??
PF: <I kn0w, I just wanna kn0w what's been g0ing 0n, y0u've been acting a little weird lately.>
PF: <G0t a crush 0n any0ne?>
RR: What
RR: No
PF: <0h my fuck, y0u d0!>
PF: <Flush crush?>
RR: ...
PF: <òwó>
RR: Why are we moirails again?
PF: <ó^ò>
RR: Alright, alright. Ya cauught me.
PF: <S0...>
RR: So...?
PF: <Wh0 is it?>
PF: <D0 I kn0w them?>
RR: Chill.
RR: I Can answer the seCond quuestion.
RR: Yes, youu know them.
RR: As for who.
RR: I'm not going to say.
PF: <Aw, what?>
PF: <Then I shall bec0me a detective t0 find 0ut!>
RR: Of Couurse.
RR: Youu dork.
rainingRiver [RR] has ceased trolling pitchyFlutest

    Of course he's not going to tell me, what did I expect? Time to get to sleuthing. Someone that I know... Ebonii? No, he seems more jealous of her than interested, and all the friendship he has towards her is platonic. Baleya? No. Just no. Kapten? Possibly, when I'm not around, he does try to make sure that Dari's okay. Then again, I asked him to.

    Zadari? No, he wouldn't. She's my kissmisiss. Sure, we don't really hate each other as much as we used to, but that would still really hurt. He wouldn't do that, would he?

Hey, author here. Sorry for the short chapters recently. I've been going through a little bit of writers block. I hope that I'll be back on track soon and that I'll get a good update schedule.

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