Typical Graveyard Shift

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    On and on my coworker rambled. It was almost nonstop. I didn't even know what he was talking about at this point.

    "All I'm saying is that what if there's more out there, what if we're not actuall- Hey! Mex! Mextis! Are you even listening?!" He snapped his fingers in front of my facing, bringing me back from spacing out. He sighed and shook his head. "You didn't hear any of that, did you?"

    "No, Tevied, I didn't. We should get back to work anyways," I retorted, looking down at him. The rust blood stayed silent for a few moments, looking around at the graves.

    "How's, uh... How's Rayden?" I shivered at the sound of my moirail's name, but gave a week, hopefully convincing smile. Rayden had been my moirail for a few sweeps, he could be loud... brash... and a little on the violent side, but he was an all around good guy. Sure, he's made me lose a few feathers from stress... and he killed his kismississ, but both of those incidents were my fault

    "He's doing well. He's a lot more calm lately," I couldn't stop my voice from being shaky and Tevied squinted up at me.

    "Well. Just one more thing. Sckope and I found out about this game called SGRUB, and we were wondering if you would like to play it with us..." He looked up at me with pleading eyes, no person with a functional bloodpumper could deny those eyes.

    "Sure, I'll play with you guys, aside from working here, I've got nothing better to do." Tevied grinned, picked up his shovel, and hurried off. Afterwards, I wandered off to another section of the graveyard to patrol. When I did, however, I saw a familiar face kneeling next to his grave.

    "So... Where did you disappear to for all this time?" I inquired, looking down at the short troll who looked back up at me.

    "Mextis...? Mextis Dilrak? Holy shit, long time no see!" He grinned up at me and stood.

    "Mind answering my question, Cature? Our friend dies, and you up and cut contact with everyone you know. What gives?" I folded my arms and raised an eyebrow at the indigo blood. He paused for a few moments before responding.

    "Well... I didn't drop contact with Zadari... Well, not entirely. She's doing well if you're wondering." I smiled and rolled my eyes at him, remembering the little crush he's always had on the olive blood.

    "Good seeing ya again, Darein." I ruffled his hair, something that always annoyed him, but everyone still did it.

    He nodded and started walking off, although before he did, I made sure to tell him about SGRUB, so we could all hang out for old time's sake.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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