Chapter THREE

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Frank wiped his mouth a little bit with a tattooed hand and picked up a book. He flicked through the pages, smiling at Gerard's goofy drawing ideas, and such. He dropped the book and decided to leave the study as it was. That was Gerard's space. No one could touch that. He made his way back to the bedroom and sat on bed. Obviously they had new beds in but that sickly sweet smell was just something you couldn't get rid of. Frank unpacked his suit case and put it all in the wardrobe as such. And put everything where he wanted it to be. He sat on the bed with hand in his hands. No one really knew how much Frank suffered in his own brain because no one ever saw him alone. He was different when he was alone.

Gerard's face dropped, and tears began to fall. Just like they had done before. He quickly flew to his old bedroom and stood right in front of him, shouting excitedly in his face. "FRANK! IT'S ME, GEE! BOY, AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU!" He got the same reaction again, no response. He shook his head again and again. No. Not the same things he'd had for months, the loneliness, the isolation. He began tearing at his dark hair, red shadow that had encased his eyes, running down his face. He felt like a prisoner, captured in his black blazer, trapped in his red tie and white fitted shirt. The smart attire insinuated great happenings, and it was just patronising. He screamed at Frank, wanting so desperately his attention. "FRANK! P-LEA-EASE... YOU GOTTA HEAR M-E!?" His voice broke. The same voice that was completely inaudible to Frank. "N-oo.." He curled up into a ball and watched Frank intently. How could he be restrained from his best friend?

Frank felt a cold shiver, as if something was touching him. He'd be lying if he said the thought of it being Gerard didn't flicker through his head. He went to speak, even reached his hand out, then stopped himself. He knew he was lonely. It was probably just his mind playing tricks on him. His face fell and he had torment going on behind that emotionless expression. Torment that now Gerard was dead, Gerard could see.

Gerard blinked slowly. He was now realising that even though Frank couldn't see him, there was a lot unseen. So many thoughts and demons he was clearly fighting. Usually, when someone went dead silent there was a lot more than you'd think going on inside. He reached forward and tried once more. It was worth it for Frank. "Frank... If you could hear me right now..." He sighed, it was no use. He waited for Frank to retire to bed...

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