Who am I

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Marionette POV:
The night before
I got home after a long battle with Cat Noir against Friend Zone. A villain that separates couples. I landed on my balcony, and detransformed. "Another successful battle tikki! We're getting closer and closer to finding hawkmoth." Tikki smiled and waited for her to give her cookies to restore her energy. "I'm heading to bed early tikki, I already got my homework out of the way, so I'll go to sleep early and get up early so I won't be late." Tikki smiled, "that's a good idea."
I got into my pajamas, and turned off the light. It took awhile to get comfortable, but when I finally did I slept peacefully. The next morning I woke up to someone shaking me. "Come on tikki five more minutes..." the shaking stopped and a woman's voice spoke up, "Tikki? No it's me Natalie. You need to wake up and go to school." My eyes shot open wide, staring at Adriens assistant. "AHHHH- what are you doing in my?" I looked around, quickly realizing I was in Adrien's room.
I jumped out of bed, and ran to the mirror. I was wearing clothes I didn't recognize, and it looked like it cost more than my whole wardrobe. Natalie walked over to me quickly, "are you okay Marinette?" I felt tears filling my eyes, "just... a nightmare." I rifle through the closet, and put together a somewhat decent outfit, hoping it was something Adrien would normally choose. I don't know what's happening, but maybe I should just roll with it? Maybe I could talk to Adrien after school and figure this all out... wait no I can't talk to Adrien!! This is too weird..."
As I was about to walk out the door I noticed a ring on "my" dresser. It looked familiar, but I brushed it off and walked downstairs. I saw my dad walking down the hallway and felt a sigh of relief rush over me. "Dad!!" I hugged him, and he blankly stared. I then realized he was being stiff, and wearing a similar outfit I'd seen Gabriel Agreste wear. "Um, Marinette, you will address me as father." I quickly got off of him, and smiled awkwardly, "oh um, yes father, er sorry, bad dream?" He had the same blank expression, and then turned to walk away. My dad always smells like dough and chocolate, but today he smelled of expensive fabric and money. It was a weird difference, but I tried not to focus on it, and ran outside in embarrassment. Also I was going to be late. I saw the limo in front of "my" house and it took a second to process the fact that I was supposed to get in. "My" bodyguard motioned for me to come in, and I quickly got in.
I was extremely careful not to touch anything, because I couldn't afford to break any of it, well technically I could.
When we arrived I anxiously stepped out of the car, and ran up to the school. I started to scan the building for Alya when I saw Nino rushing up to me. "Hey girl!" I blushed in embarrassment, "me?" He laughed, "yeah you, why wouldn't I be talking to you? You're my best bud dude." He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a trusting face. I guess if I'm swapped with Adrien, Nino is my best friend. I walked into class, to see Alya and no Adrien. I walked up to Alya, "have you seen Adrien?" Alya shrugged her shoulders, "the dudes a heavy sleeper. Who knows if he's even out of bed." I bit my lip, "er okay."
A couple minutes after class started, Adrien came running in, holding a back of pastries. From the Agreste Bakery?!?!  "Sorry I'm late. It was a weird morning."
Adrien's POV:
It really had been a weird morning.
I went to sleep smelling like Camembert, and woke up smelling like scones. I looked around my room, and saw Marinette's bedroom, but designed more for a guy. On her desk there was some homework assignments and a pair of earrings. The earrings she would wear everyday! But if I'm switched why would I have the earrings? I took deep breaths, and assumed Plagg did something. I got into new clothes which I assumed would work well, and walked carefully downstairs. When I walked into the kitchen I saw my father and tensed up. "Good morning father." I said politely, and he turned around with a puzzled look on his face. "Father? You normally just call me papa or dad but I mean first time for everything." I covered my mouth quickly, if I am switched that means this is Marinette's lifestyle, her parents are super chill... I laughed, "oh heh yeah I was kidding." Just as I sat down to tie my shoes, my mother walked in. Tears started to fill my eyes, and I ran towards her. "Mom!!" I wrapped her into a huge hug. "Adrien? What-" I quickly backed away and wiped my eyes, "I-I..." In this world she never disappeared. But how can I not act like I missed her? How do I not cry? I smiled, "just wanted to say I love you." I grabbed a bag of pastries, and rushed outside. Before I started walking to school I stopped in a nearby alley and cried. My mother was right there. But in this world it's not the same. It's not really her, it's a different version.
I gave myself some time to calm down, maybe a little too much time. I realized what time it was, and started running to school. I rushed into class late, out of breath and sweaty.
"Adrien if you're going to come late please do it discreetly." The teacher said as I hid my face on the table. "Yes ma'am." If I had gotten here earlier maybe I would've been able to talk to Marinette. Well, if this is Plaggs doing then how could I get Marinette involved? She can't know my identity. I'd figure something out, but for now I'll just eat my muffin. I could tell from here on out things were going to be weird.

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