I love you

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Marinette's POV:
I went home smiling, and walked through the front door to see my father looking at me angrily. "Why are you smiling like that? And why are you so red?" I covered my cheeks, "it's nothing father, today was just a good day." He walked off angrily, and I blushed harder knowing I was obvious. I ran up to my room, and played the scene over and over again in my mind. A few hours later I was getting ready for bed when I got a call from Adrien. 
I took a deep breath and answered, "h-hello?"
Adrien spoke up with a cheery tone, "meet me at the the Eiffel Tower as soon as possible. I'll be waiting." Before I could agree the call ended, and a huge smile appeared on my face. Adrien wants to meet me at the Eiffel Tower!! I got up, and started walking outside, being careful not to be caught.
I started running, and with every step I took my smile grew wider. Just as I was almost there, something grabbed me. I looked up to see a villain, but I couldn't figure out who the akumatized person was.  Just as I started screaming for help, I saw Adrien running towards us. "Hey!! Let her go!" The villain covered my mouth and then ran away from Adrien. Tears started to flood my eyes, as Adrien grew farther away.
Adrien's POV:
I knew I stood no chance as just Adrien trying to chase this guy, so I turned back to "my" house and started thinking of a plan. Okay so I can't be cat noir because I'm in Marinette's world. So who has my miraculous?
All of a sudden everything made sense.
If I was switched because of Kwami stuff wouldn't I be switched with a another Kwami holder? I ran over to my desk, and picked up the earrings. "Now... my ears should already be pierced in this world if I'm ladybug..." I put the earrings in effortlessly, and tried to remember how to transform.
My mind shifted back to a time I was having a conversation with ladybug. "So what do you say to transform?" I asked curiously, "oh. I say Tikki spots on! And you?" I half smiled, "plagg claws out!" We giggles and continued talking. That was a nice night.
I looked at myself in the mirror, and took a deep breath. "Tikki, spots on!" The ladybug Kwami came out of hiding, and teleported into the earrings. I transformed into a more manly ladybug costume, and smiled widely. "I can do this."
I ran travelled back to the Eiffel Tower, hoping to find the villain. Eventually I saw him on a building, threatening to drop Marinette off of it. "You will hand me your miraculous if you want her to live!" I ran up, and with a sneak attack grabbed Marinette away from him, rushing to a place of safety. "L-ladybug?" Marinette asked in a shocking tone, I blushed realizing she was the girl I loved for so long. "I don't have time to explain, but I'm Adrien. In the real universe I'm cat noir. You must be ladybug. Go into my room at the agreste mansion and put on the ring, we have to fight this guy." She looked shocked, but quickly went to do as I said. After all, there is no time to waste. A few minutes later a black cat hero was in view, and rushing towards me. We rushed towards the villain, hoping to find out what the situation was. I desperately wanted to talk to her about everything, but I couldn't. We had hawkmoth to deal with first.
After what seemed like an eternity of fighting, I de evilised the akuma, and we went to pick up from where we left off. Marinette and I sat on the Eiffel Tower, and I was finally able to talk to her about my feelings.
"Marinette... I thought about it for a few hours, and the more and more I thought about it, the more I realized how much I'm in love with you."
Her eyes widened as her smile did, "I l-love you too."
I held her chin, staring into her beautiful blue bell eyes, taking in every thing in this moment, because I wanted to remember it forever.
I leaned in slowly, pressing my lips softly against hers, enjoying every second of it.
After a long passionate kiss, Plagg and Tikki came out of hiding. "Okay you guys can change back now." Plagg said, before chomping down cheese. "What!!?" Tikki rolled her eyes, "This was all master fu's idea. As a guardian he's sworn into not telling you guys the true identities, and we can't. So he thought of a more creative way to get you guys to find out. You're his favorite ship, he was sick of waiting." I turned bright red, "oh..."
Just then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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