I Feel Something

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I got up extra early the next morning, and got dressed. I should probably get everything out of the way now so I'm not late for school. I went downstairs and searched the kitchen for breakfast. "I made waffles." My mom said with a welcoming tone. I smiled, "yum!" I cleared my throat, and tried not to choke up. It was still hard adjusting to hearing her voice, and not being able to react. In my universe she's gone. It instantly reminded me of Marinette, she's stuck with her dad acting like Gabriel, and her mom is gone. I got up from the table, and ran outside, "Adrien why are you leaving so early?" I yelled back, "I have to do something!"
I quickly got to school, and scanned the hallway for Alya. "Oh hey bro you're here early..." she said as she walked towards me, "is Marinette here?" She noticed I was out of breath and sat me down, "not yet, why? Is something wrong? I sighed, "I just... need to talk to her." After a few minutes of waiting, Marinette walked through tue door with a dull look on her face. "Hey Marinette.." She looked at me, and I noticed tears trying desperately to escape her eyes. "H-hi." I didn't ask any questions, and pulled her into a tight hug. The moment my chin rested on her head, all of her tears were set free.
"What did he do?" I asked knowingly. We walked outside, somewhere private, as she told me. "How can you live like that, having that kind of dad?" She asked me anxiously. "I'm used to it sadly." She sighed, "he yelled at me today, claimed I was the reason mom was gone." I wrapped my arms around her, comforting her as much as I could. "Let's not think about that right now, you need a distraction! That's normally what I would do when my dad was like that. Do you have pictures of me in our normal universe?" Her face turned dark red as she hid her hands in her face, "m-maybe! Why!?" I smiled, "cause there are photos of you plastered all over "my" room. I assumed because you had pictures of me in the other universe or whatever."
She bit her lip, "umm... it's just I'm like really I-into fashion! And your dad he-" but I cut her off and placed my hand on hers. "It's okay."
Marinette's POV:
He's touching my hand.
I couldn't control myself, I looked up into his green eyes and quickly kissed him. Nothing long. Nothing romantic. I touched and let go. His face was full of confusion, so I quickly grabbed my backpack, and stood up, "I'm... I'm sorry. Later." I started walking off as he got up, "wait! Mari!" I ignored him, and started running to class. I quickly sat down and hid my face in my hands. Adrien then came running into the room, and sat down behind me. I could feel him staring at me, and I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Nino came in, and sat next to me with a concerned look on his face. "You okay?" I looked up at him, "I kissed Adrien. On the lips." Nino gasped, "dude, you know he has like the BIGGEST crush on you right?" My face lost some of its red, "no. He doesn't, and he probably hates me now." Nino looked up at Adrien, and then back at me, "i doubt it. And I'm serious he's like in love with you." I wiped a tear, it was hard because I knew for real he didn't actually love me.
I avoided him during all classes, and tried to be quick at my locker when school ended. I was carrying a few books, when I saw Adrien rushing towards me. I quickly tried to gather my things, and just as I was shutting my locker door, Adrien slammed it shut and I dropped my books. "I've been trying to get your attention all day." I started to tear up, "why can't you just leave me alone?! I said I was sorry. You don't have to think about me anymore, delete my number from your phone, I don't know, I just I don't care anymore. Laugh about it with Chloe she seems to be a better match anyway, I was dumb to do what I did and I-" before I could finish my sentence he leaned in and kissed me. It was an intense passionate kiss, causing me to grab his face. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. We pulled apart, out of breath and bright red. He grabbed my hands, "I have no idea what's going on, but all I know is that when you kissed me I was craving for that touch again. I'm sorry I have maybe not realized it before, but you make me feel so safe. I don't understand all my feelings right now, and I need time to think, but just know I enjoy every second I spend with you. I think I'm in love with you. Again, I need time to think because I don't know what certain feelings exactly mean, but I feel something for you." My cheeks burned a deep red, as I shakily smiled, "o-okay." He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, and left the school. I just made out with Adrien Agreste... I smiled widely, and had a moment of excitement all to myself.

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