Figuring things out

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After school I anxiously waited by Marinette's locker. I hope she doesn't think I'm stalking her... of course she wouldn't think that she probably knows what's going on.
I waited by the locker for a solid ten minutes before realizing how dumb I am. If I'm in Marinette's world than this locker is mine. I face palmed, and started walking towards "my" locker. She was sitting there anxiously messing with the lock, while Nino was trying to talk to her. "Um h-hey guys." Marinette turned red, "OH thank good- I mean um, Adrien can we talk?" I tensed up, "y-yes we can." I plastered a huge smile on my face, and walked with her to a corner.
She started to break down crying, "I-I don't know what's happening." She was looking down at her feet, wiping tears that ran down her face. "Marinette, shh shh, it'll be okay." I held her hands, and looked into her eyes. She turned red, and slightly smiled, "also, I need your locker combination... Nino has been screaming for 10 minutes about how crazy it is I "forgot" it." I smiled, "I'll need yours too." I wrapped her into a caring hug, and then we exchanged locker combinations.
Marinette's POV
"Yo dude what just happened over there with Adrien?" Nino asked as I walked over shyly. "Nothing much, but good news I remembered my locker combination!" Nino groaned, "finally!" I hesitantly put the combination in and opened it. "Okay get your books and let's go." I stopped in my tracks, "go where?" He gave me a confused look, "you said I could come over today?" I sighed in relief, and tried to act like I knew. "um... oh yeah! I totally remember! Yeah let's go." I awkwardly walked with him to my limo, and we got in the back. "Anyway bro what kind of video games do you have?" I was sweating bullets, "eh um.. combat, racing? You know nothing special." He laughed, "nothing special? You're rich for Pete's sake, man I bet you have all different kinds." I tried to tap into Adrien's mind, "well, not too many different kinds. My dad is strict after all." Nino sighed, "yeah girl you're right."
It felt weird talking to Nino like this. I normally don't talk to him much in general, but how I had to play the part of the best friend.
When we arrived at the "dupain-cheng" mansion, we walked out of the car, and went up the stairs. "H-hi father, I'm here with Nino to play video games." He walked down the stairs slowly, "you two are going to keep it..." he paused, as he scanned Nino up and down, "appropriate I assume." I had to have been dripping sweat at this point. "Yes sir." Nino said quickly. Tom gave him a look of slight acceptance, and walked back upstairs. "Dude does your dad think we like each other or something?" Nino whispered, "um probably. But we don't so it's fine." "And I'm dating Alya so that wouldn't even make sense." I sighed, and walked over to the living room. "I guess it's time to play video games." Nino jumped onto the huge expensive couch, acting like it cost fifteen bucks. I tried not to freak out, and just let him take over with most of the games. I was too nervous to concentrate.
Adrien's POV:
As Marinette and Nino went to hang out, I got a text from Alya.
Alya- wanna hang out? We can talk allll about Marinette, but I have to show you something.
I read the text, and was confused. Talk about Marinette? Isn't that kind of creepy? I shrugged my shoulders and texted back,
Adrien- sure, where ?
Alya- ummm how about the bakery? I could use some sweets.
I smiled,
Adrien- sure!
I walked back to "my" house and looked around the room. Once again my eyes shifted to the earrings, but I didn't know why. But without time to think I heard someone running up the stairs. "I'm here Adrien!" It was Alya.
I quickly tried to act natural, and formed a fake smile, "hey Alya!" She sat on the bed next to me, okay before I tell you the news, explain what happened between you and Marinette today." I tapped my chin, "well... we both couldn't remember our locker combinations, and kinda joked about it, but she was stressed over..." I tried to think, "all her homework, so she started crying. I comforted her and talked her through it. We ended up remembering the combinations in the end too." Alya's jaw dropped, "you formed a normal sentence with her?! You didn't pass out?? What has gotten into you?!" I was confused, and then I remembered Marinette normally seems a little uncomfortable around me in our normal state. "Uh yeah I don't know what happened either. But why again would I be freaking out?" Alya looked confused, "um... earth to Adrien?! You have like the BIGGEST crush on Marinette." My face burned red, as I hid my face in a pillow, "you were just messing with me. Typical Adrien, how could you forget you liked her?." She laughed, as I tried not to explode, I, no, Marinette likes me!? How did I not notice...
"Anyway u-um what's the news?" Alyas face perked up, "Nino says Marinette has been showing more interest in you, so he's pretty sure she might like you!! Keep up what you've been doing!" I smiled, "umm yeah! I will."
We talked for a bit longer, and then I made the excuse of needing to do my homework to be alone. When she left I felt a huge weight being lifted. That was difficult, because I don't know a whole lot about Alya. After I had some time to myself, I went downstairs to get dinner. "Oh hi Adrien, we just finished making dinner come help set the table please." My mother said as she started picking up plates. "Of course!" Standing next to my mother felt so unreal, in a way it was, but I truly wanted it to last forever. My father had just taken off his apron, and started picking up forks. "What's for dinner?" I asked curiously, as I sat down. "Chicken and rice. Nothing huge but we were kind of busy in the bakery today, so we didn't have much time to make something fancy." My father said, as he also took a seat at the table. My mother took the lid off of the container with the meal inside, and started serving the main dish.
Eating dinner with my family was something I hadn't experienced in years, and it felt nice. There was a warm feeling rushing through my body, the feeling of company, the feeling of happiness. Does Marinette feel this every night? Or is she used to it and it just blends in. Either way she was overwhelmingly lucky.
After dinner I helped clear the table, and went to my room to start on homework. I saw some of "my" designs scattered across the room and smiled, Marinette is so good at designing. I quickly brushed the thought, and started on homework. I had never really taken a big look around the room, because well I was normally always rushed or distracted, but I finally decided to look around it. I saw pictures of Marinette all over the wall, which at first I didn't exactly pay attention to or question, cause it's always a thought of it's her room why wouldn't there be pictures of her? Until I realized it was my room. Does this mean Marinette has pictures of me everywhere? I blushed and smiled a bit. Someone really thinks about me that much?! I ended up looking at all the different pictures for awhile, and then got ready for bed. Maybe tomorrow I'll have to talk to Marinette some more.

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