Chapter 11

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A/N Happy Halloween. This chapter has literally nothing to do with Halloween though.

"I'm starting to think we should stop looking for the others and just look for a way out," sighed Lily. Hyde turned to look at Lily."But what about your Eve?" Everyone was silent but listening to the conversation. "Misono may not even be in this world," he responded.

"Hate to break the silence but look foot prints,has any group been here before?" Asked Tsurumaru. No one said anything."ok then lets separate and find them." Gin,Tachihara,and Akutagawa walked off when Kashuu,Tsurumaru,and Yoichi went the other way. Rock and Uno just followed the rest.
"So does any of you know where we should go?" Questioned Uno.
"No clue but if I were in a big group I would want to be by a place with food and shelter,"said Rock.

The group silently walked for an hour until they heard voices. "WE FOUND THEM," yelled Uno. Licht shushed him just in case it wasn't them.

There were two people. One with teal hair and one with a mask. Uno jumped out of the bush with tears in his eyes."WE'RE SAVED!"
Everyone mentally face palmed. As a reflex when something fast is running at you, you draw your sword. "UNO WATCH OUT," called Rock. Uno tripped on his own feet and feel Right In Front Of Them. He looked up but instead of seeing two people trying to kill him he was met with confused faces but then one's face turned into a light smile.
"You must be from another group, my name is Ichigo Hitofuri and with me is Nakigitsune."

The others stepped out of the bush and headed towards uno. "We have a olace where we are staying if you would like to come with us." The group stayed silent."um ok then...this way." They silently followed Ichigo and Naki back.


Misono ran up to Lily "Where Have You Been." Lily smiled glad to know his eve was alright."I've been with the others," said Lily as he glanced at the others.

"Sakuya your here too,"asked Mahiru."Oh and so is The greed pair." Mahiru gave a small smile. "Me and Misono have been preparing dinner if you want you can help." Then Mahiru turned around to the table and continued making food.

The second Uno saw his cell mates he ran up to them with Rock right by his side.
"JYUGO, NICO" they both screamed.
They takled them into a hug. The other inmates from nanba looked down smiling.
After a few seconds they heard people in the bushes. Everyone turned and saw three people step forth. It was Yoichi,Tsurumaru, and Kashuu.
Yasusada's face lit up as he grapped Yuu's wrist and ran over to Kiyomitsu. Mika followed behind them. Since everyone saw that Yasusada knew them they all went back to doing whatever they were doing. Yasusada ran up and hugged Kashuu. "Kiyomitsu" he said then turned his head "and Tsurumaru I didn't think i'd see you here."

"Yeah it was kind of a surprise waking up here." They smiled. Yuu was watching yasusada when he saw his friend. "Yoichi your here to." Yoichi nodded and stood by Yuu. Yasuasada turned to Yuu. "So is this the Kashuu you've been telling me about," asked Yuu. He smiled. "Yeah, Yuu this is Kashuu Kiyomitsu and Kiyomitsu this Yuu."

"A pleasure," said Kashuu. Yuu just nodded then told them he, yoichi, and mika were gonna catch up.

As they walked away Kashuu smiled to Yasusada."So you talked about me."
Yasusada just frowned and lightly punched his shoulder.


Guren,Dazai,Chuuya,and Shinya were heading back from a small patrol when A black thing came straight for Dazai. Guren tried to push Dazai out of the way but it was to late. Guren was ready to watch his death but that didn't happen.

The second the black thing touched his scin it disapeared. Guren was a little shocked but then took out his sword in case it attacked again. Guren heard someone behind him say something.
"I recongnize that ability."
Guren glared." So your trying to kill him again." He pointed his sword at Chuuya and a second later someone had a knife to his throat.

Guren hadn't heard the person but when he tilted his head all he could see was black hair.

"Gin, where is Akutagawa?"

Gin put the knife away and pointed at the top of a small building. "Thanks," said Chuuya as he headed to the building. He used his ability to walk up the side of the building leaving Shinya and Guren shocked.

A few minutes later Chuuya, Akutagawa, and Tachihara jumped down from the building.
"Ah Akutagawa nice of you to join us,"said Dazai. Akutagawa just glared. Guren turned to Dazai with a glance saying can we take them back with us. Dazai gave a glance that was a mixture of they could kill us all or just silently listen to what ever we say. Guren just sighed and started going back to camp.

When they got there someone gasped."Its Akutagawa and the Black Lizard from the Port Mafia." That person was Kunikida.

Dazai just smiled and walked up to him."Why yes Kunikida this place is forcing us to work with the Port Mafia again isn't it great." Kunikida gave a glare back.

Guren stood where everyone can see them."Everyone we have all the groups here now. I think its time we find the person who sends the notes and kill them."
Everyone was watching and they did agree. No one wanted to be there, they wanted to get home. Guren was going to continue but then a rock fell from the sky. It had a note attached to it. Before anyone could pick it up there way a voice. That started laughing.
They looked up.

"God is that you," asked Karma

A few laughed but then stopped when the voice started talking.

"Everyone congratulations for finding each other and staying alive. I do hope you had fun but now the real battle begins. I hope your all in the mood for a fight."

The voice stopped and everyone was still they didn't know what to do. They all were on high alert waiting for an attack. But then All Went Black.

A/N sorry for not posting in forever but Thanks for reading and check out my other stories. Blind sky's and Haikyuu and Tokyo Ghoul crossover.

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