Chapter 12

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A/N Everyone I'm sorry. I wrote the chapter then forgot to post it. Hope you enjoy.

The black faded and slowly everyone could make out a purple room. "Oh wonderful all of you finally found each other." Looking at everyone the ones most shaken by this voice were Guren,Shinya,Yuu,and Mika.

There was a stage over where the voice was and out from the shadow's a man with silvery white hair. Followed by another man with red hair. Guren glared and pulled out his sword. "Ferid Bathory and Crowley Eusford what have you done."

Ferid just smiled. "Well you see Guren I got my hands on a device which allowed me to create this world but what fun would it be to have a world without people. I dragged you all here to entertain me and Crowley."

Most people's face held a frown or glare. "Oh but wait everyone if you want to get out of here. You have to defeat all of my monsters." After that the monsters appeared. They were bigger than the others but just stood there. A few faces had small amounts of fear but most of them had confidence.

"Alright my monsters attack."

The monster responded immediately and went to attack the nearest person. Karma and Nagisa decided to stick together taking whatever monsters come at them out. The eve's gave their servamps blood but the ones taking out the most monster were the ones with abilities. Akutagawa had many dead monsters at his feat barley even moving.

There were many monster. Anywhere you looked you would see one. You could tell that everyone was fighting with their all but they were human. They started to get tired but knew if they rest they would die.

In all the chaos Dazai eventually found Chuuya. He had just killed anither one and looked like he was gonna find another one till Dazai stopped him. "You know Chuuya there is a faster way we could take them all out." Dazai was smiling I'll stop you when your done." Chuuya frowned for a moment then nodded.

Of couse Dazai had already knew he would agree before he told everyone else how to lure the monster into one spot."Now,"He screamed.

Everyone ran towards the center and of couse the monster followed. Chuuya took off his gloves and activated corruption. All the people who were in the center got out of the way because all the monster were now focused on Chuuya. one attack was all they needed to take out all the monsters. The only thing standing was Chuuya. He had an insane look on his face and the ground was cracked beneath. Dazai approched Chuuya and grabbed his wrist before he could attack again. The red marks on his skin dissapeared and he gave a quick look at everyone before he passed out.

Ferid and Crowley were a little nervous since all there monsters had died and now a room of people were about to attack them. Ferid frowned then six portals opened up. Crowley turned to Ferid with a questioning look. Ferid ignored it and walked back into the shadows. Crowley soon followed after giving one last glance at the people.

Yuu walked up to one of the portals and on the otherside saw Kimizuki, shinoa, and Mitsuba. "That's where you were. We couldn't find you guys," said Shinoa. Yuu smiled at the rest of his squad. He was about to go through the portal but then looked around. Yasusada smiled and waves before him and Kashuu went to find their own portal home. Guren, Shinya,Mika,Yuu, and Yoichi. The portal closed after they left. Karma and Nagisa saw that there portal was in the front of their classroom. Many of their classmates gave smiles as they saw the two. Korosensei was crying tears of happiness. Ichigo and Nakigitsune looked through the portal and got many wierd looks from the students. Karma and Nagisa said there good bye's too the two and went through the portal.

The inmates were looking through their portal and it lead to where all the guards were. Hajime looked pissed seeing them. The other two guards looked more relieved that they found the inmates. They walked through the portal with only cell 13 fearing for their lives.
The eve's and their servamps didn't waste anytime getting in the portal with only a few goodbye's.

There were only two portals left. Dazai picked up Chuuya and started heading to the portal but then Ichigo stopped him."Tell Chuuya thank you for helping us out." Dazai just nodded and headed through followed by the rest of the people by that world. Kashuu and Yasusada walked through the portal together. Then the rest. The portal closed and all that was left was an empty room.

A/N Dear readers thank you for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it.

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