Say Amen (Sweet Pea)

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A/N: Based on Panic! at the Disco's Say Amen

I pray for the wicked on the weekend
Mama, can I get another amen?
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh, it's Saturday night, yeah

You found yourself at the Whyte Wyrm with your friends on a Saturday. Your friends were at the bar while you and Sweet Pea were at the pool table playing some billiards. You were pretty evenly matched, but you were having fun. As you sunk another ball, you looked around the room and smiled to yourself.

This was your family.

And every morning when I wake up
I wanna be who I couldn't say I'd ever been
But it's so much more than I ever was
If every night I go to sleep knowing
That I gave everything that I had to give

You had been in the Serpents much longer than Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fangs. You had been in it since your dad left and your mother could barely afford the trailer and supporting the family. You needed someplace to go and FP just happened to find you one day while trying to pick-pocket.

Which led you here.

Lost in thought, you didn't notice Sweet Pea trying to get your attention.

"Babe." He said with a laugh as he waved a hand in front of your face. You shook your head slightly as you came back from your thoughts. You looked at Sweets with wide eyes.

"Huh?" You asked.

"You spaced for a second. What's up?" He asked as he set his stick on the table and then lend against it as he grabbed your waist and pulled you up against him.

Swear to God, I ain't ever gonna repent
Mama, can I get another amen?

You sighed as you leaned your head against his chest.

"Nothing, I'm just happy." You told him. He wrapped his arms around you and tightly held you against him as he chuckled.

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