Mother Dearest Part 3

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The ride to Betty's house was filed with chatter. Betty was constantly asking questions about Jug from when he was younger and you willingly supplied the blackmail about your son with a grin on your face. His face was set in an amused grimace as you told Betty and JB the stories.

But it all came to a halt as you pulled up in front of Betty's house. Jug got out with Betty and walked her to the door, both talking about something or other. You watched with a small grin on your lips as you watched them, making you remember when Fp did the same to you when you were teens.


A younger you sat in Pop's diner in a booth while a younger Fp sat across from you. You were both smiling and laughing at some of the stories he was telling about something embarrassing that happened to Fred.

Your grin never fell from your face as you and Fp sat in the diner for hours before you started to notice the sky started to darken.

"I outta get you home, Ms. L/N." Fp said as he took his wallet out and put some bills down to cover the meal you two had. You grabbed your leather jacket as he did the same.

He stood from the booth and held out his hand as you moved to do the same and you grabbed it as he helped you stand. You both turned to the door as he put his arm around your shoulder and started to make your way out.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Fp asked as he held the door open. You walked out and stepped down the stairs that was in front of the door and out your jacket on.

You looked at him and raised your eyebrow. "When do I not, babe?" You asked rhetorically. He chuckled as you moved to his bike that he took you out on. He insisted to use just his even though you had your own.

You thought he just wanted to feel your body pressed against his as you cruised down the roads. Which you were right.

He loved the feeling of you pressed against him. Not even in a sexual way, he just loved the contact with you.

Flashback End

The memory faded from your mind as you noticed the bitch from hell had opened the door while Jug and Betty were standing there. You narrowed your eyes at the woman that almost ruined your relationship with Fp in senior year. You two used to be best friends, until you found out that she tried to say that she was pregnant with Fp's baby. Which you never believed for a minute as the story she told you was a lie.

She had told you that Fp came onto her at a party one weekend and you caught her in a lie because that weekend you and him had spent on the campgrounds on the water. Turns out she was trying to get him to herself. Which ended up backfiring in her face when Fp proposed to you at graduation.

20 years later and here you both were, with kids and lives totally opposite of what you had dreamed when you were kids.

You were knocked out of your thoughts as Jug opened the door and jumped in and almost slammed the door as he sat there, breathing hard threw his nose. You looked over and saw Alice glaring at you with ice shards threw the window that faced the streets. You grinned sarcastically at her as you looked back at Jughead.

You watched him for a second. "What's up, buttercup?" You asked as you put the truck in drive and pulled out onto the road.

"Nothing." He mumbled as he crossed his arms and turned to look out the window to watch the scenery pass by.

"Hmmm..." You hummed. You didn't say anything because you knew sooner or later he was going to say something. This is how you always got him to talk. He just couldn't keep anything from you.

He heaved a big sigh as he uncrossed his arms and slapped his hands on his thighs. "It's just..." He paused as he tried to put his thoughts into words. "It's just the fact that Mrs. Cooper is always talking bad about you and Dad... It irks me so much with what she says about you and Dad." He ranted as he started to wipe the palms of his hands on his pants. It's always been a tick of his when he get aggravated.

"Jughead, honey. You can't stop other people from thinking about us like that." You started off as you watched the road. "You know who we are, right?" You asked him.

He sighed. "Yes." He nodded.

"Then that is all you need to know. If you want to know certain things about us, just ask. Me and your dad has always tried to be open with you and Jellybean since you were old enough to speak and understand things." You said to him as you pulled up to the trailer. You put the truck in park turned to him as Jellybean got out and made her way to the door with her key. Only after looking between you and Jug for a second. "People like Alice and Hal Cooper have been looking down on me and your dad since high school, baby. We learned to push it away because what they thought didn't and shouldn't effect us in any way. It didn't effect the fact that me and your dad love each other so much. Nor did it effect how we wanted to live our lives."

You looked at Jughead and he kept his head down while he messed with a hole in his jeans. Although you did see a tug at his lips from this angle.

You laughed softly as you grabbed the back of his head and pulled him to you and bumped heads with affection making him laugh. "Now, let's go in. Don't want to worry your dad anymore than we have." You said as you both looked over and saw Fp standing in the doorway of the trailer with his hands in his pockets. 

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