Mother Dearest Part 4

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You met Forsythe Pendleton Jones Jr when you were in elementary school. You had moved to Riverdale when you were really little. As a kid you didn't much care for the change, it's a new experience. The first memory you have Forsythe is when you were introduced to the class since you moved in the middle of the year. You were sat next to a boy with black hair and dark eyes. On the other side of him was another boy with light brown hair and brown eyes. The boy with dark hair was staring at you as you sat down which made you duck your head down as you were shy.

A soft voice broke the silence that surrounded the table. "I'm Forsythe Pendleton Jones Jr. You can just call me Fp though." You looked at the boy with dark eyes.

"I'm Y/N." You almost whispered to him. You then looked at the other boy as he was watching you too.

"I'm Fred Andrews." He spoke.

"You can call him Freddy, I do." Fp said with a smile. You smiled back.

Time Skip

When you were middle school was when you realized that you liked Fp Jones as more than a friend. You didn't know how or when you started to like him like that but it grew as you went into high school. In ninth grade was when you both started to grow into your teenage bodies. Starting to adjust life as you grew. It was also the year you both realized that you both liked each other.

You can remember sitting with Fp at his house. You were both in his room on bean bag chairs. Though he pushed his up against yours so close that he was able to lean over and comfortably lean on a little. You were reading, so you didn't notice that he wasn't looking at his bike magazine anymore until he said something.

"Y/N..." You looked over at him and saw him staring at you with a look in his eyes that you never seen before.

"Yeah?" You said. You placed the still open book on your chest so your whole attention was on Fp. He put his head down and started to slightly rip the pages of the magazine.

"I think..." He took in a deep breath and let it out as he spoke. "I like you a lot. As more than friends...." He sat there, almost regretting telling you.

But he didn't look up to see a smile grow on your face. "I like you too." You told him. His head jerked up and turned to you making you giggle at his face that he made. His eyes were wide with shock and jaw had fallen slightly.

A grin tugged at his lips as he wet his lips and asked breathlessly. "Really?" You nodded at him as you leaned your head back comfortably against the bean bag but kept your eyes on him. "Th-That's great! Uhhh," He paused as he thought for quick second. "Do you want to go on a date soon?" He asked in a hurry and excited tone. You smiled at him.

"Sure. Just tell me where and when." You told him. Next thing you knew he basically threw himself and wrapped his arms around your waist and was on his knees with his head buried in your stomach. You grinned and ran your hands through his hair.

Time Skip

The next important memory you have of you two was when you both joined the Serpents when you were 16. Fp's dad had put him out, which made your mom take him in. You both lived on the Southside. You both were tired of the shit that people were giving you both so you joined the Serpents. Which turned out to be the best decision you had ever made. They became your family.

When you were 17, you both were in love. You felt you could do anything while he was by your side.

Fp and you had slowly risen in the ranks of the Serpents. It was put on hold once Fp joined the Army right after high school along with your engagement. He served for a couple of years before coming home and picked up where he left off with the Serpents. When coming back it was slightly different. You had also risen in ranks in the Serpents. Kind of like a Mom or caretaker of the gang. If someone was hurt and didn't want to got to the clinic, they went to you. They had a problem, they came to you.

He couldn't be prouder.

It was when you were both 25 that you got married, finally. That same year, Fp and Fred started the construction company. Two years later you were pregnant with Jughead. When Jughead was 5, you got pregnant with Jellybean.

The problems started when Jellybean was around 2, mostly because Jelly was a sickly kid. She was constantly in and out of the hospital. Bad immune system which wasn't ideal with Riverdale weather. This caused hospital bills to start piling high. Making Fp turn to less than legal ways to provide more money for the needs of his family.

But you both were King and Queen of the Serpents by the time Jughead was 10.

The drinking and jail were last straw for you. You couldn't handle the down hill direction the love of your life was going. 

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