Mother Dearest Part Five

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You sat on the couch with some papers spread around the coffee table and your laptop open on a word document. You were a short story writer, which is where Jughead got his love for writing from. You were brainstorming a new story idea, when the door to the trailer opened.

You looked up to see Jughead stepping through the door, looking exhausted.

"Hey, bud. What's up?" You asked as you set the materials you had in your hand down and leaned back into the couch.

He said nothing but sighed and threw his school bag down and slummed down onto the couch next to you. You grinned.

"That bad, huh?" You asked and he nodded and then leaned into your side. You lifted your arm and wrapped it around his shoulders and snuggled him closer to your side. The leather of the Serpent jacket softly rubbed against your arm. While Fp was a little reluctant to let Jughead join the Serpents, you were alright with him joining. Some of the best times and memories were with the Serpents and they were your family.

"Mom?" Jughead whispered. You hummed. "Why decide to come back?" He asked slowly and seemed like he didn't want to ask but had to anyway.

You frowned your eyebrows in thought on how to answer. "Well, first off, when you called me I knew you needed me. And I was glad to hear about your dad getting better. I would never really abandon you, baby. You and JB are my world." You told him.

"Do you..." He stopped. He sounded like he didn't want to ask this next question.

"Go on." You encouraged.

"Do you still love dad?" He asked real quietly.

"I never stopped." You said and just then you saw movement out the corner of your eye. "I've loved your dad since I was teenager. There has never been anyone else for me. Me and your dad had been together for a long time and there have been things that have tried to come between us in the past but nothing has stopped us. We might separate for a little while but we always come back together. I genuinely think me and your dad are soulmates." While you spoke you never broke eye contact from Fp that stood in the kitchen listening in on the conversation.

Jug chuckled at that last bit as I finished speaking. There was a silence for a beat before Jughead buried his head in my shoulder and whispered softly. "Love you, Mom."

"Love you too, bug."

A/N: Do you guys want me to make Mother Dearest an actual story? Like with a plot and more detail? Let me know please and thank you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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