Chapter 1

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"Grammy," Dennis said, tugging at Erica's white attire.

Erica smiled down at her grandson and giggled, looking down at the boy. "Is Winnie chasing you around again?"

Dennis nodded. Ever since the trip to Atlantis, Winnie has made many attempts to get Dennis to zing with her. Dennis simply didn't understand- he had told Winnie several times that he wasn't ready to zing. In fact, he probably wouldn't until he was at least 18. Suddenly, a long call came from the other room.

"Deeeeeeenniiiiiiiiiis... we need to talk, seriously this time."

Dennis looked around, eventually spotting Winnie. But she didn't have a sly grin on her face, in fact, she looked like someone had died. Dennis could sense that something was wrong, so he turned into a bat and carried her into his room, leaving Erica to wonder what was going on.

"What's wrong, Winnie?"

The wolf looked up at Dennis as tears filled her eyes.

"Have you been-"

"Crying, yea," Winnie murmured. "I know, 'you're eight and a half, crying in front of your six-year-old best friend,' but this is seriously very bad."

Dennis frowned. "Why? What happened? Is it kepause I won't zing?"

Winnie shook her head. "No, Dennis, it's worse. Much worse." Winnie took a deep breath. "I-"

"Hold that thought," Dennis said. He ran from his room and came back in an instant. He was now a bat, holding a light pink watch in one foot and a green, yellow, and orange one in the other. He dropped them on his bed and turned back to himself.

"Papa Drac helped me set them up kepause we don't see each other that often anymore. The pink one is yours."

Winnie ran into Dennis's arms, sobbing.

"What's wrong, Winnie?"

Winnie sighed and put on her watch. She scrolled through the features before crying even more.


Winnie looked down at the ground, unable to even look at Dennis.

"I'm moving away... really far..."

Dennis started to cry as well, his gaze shifting towards Winnie. "Good thing we made the watches though," Dennis said. "So we can keep in touch. You'll come back to visit right Winnie?"

Winnie shook her head. "Dad says that we have to complete an obedience school first... it can take ten years, or more, depending on how my brothers and Sonic behave."

At this point, Dennis was devastated. What if he never saw her again? What if it went from ten, to twenty, to even thirty years? What if she had a new friend that was better than he was? Dennis asked himself these questions, blocking out the rest of the world. He couldn't believe Winnie was leaving.

For the first time, Dennis felt pain and sadness stab his heart.

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