First Day ~P.1~

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(Please Tell Me if you like this so i can continue, I had so much inspiration for this!)


"Moon Byul-yi."


"I'm 21, sir."

"Mm. Says here you're about 5'10 and still growing?" He chuckles.

"If only."

"Student wearing grey Slacks, A white undershirt, and a light blue button up shirt on top..." He smacks his lips and sighs, "hair appears to be a very short grey dyed wolf cut... Student has... heterochromia... Left one grey, right one reddish-brown."

"This is my usual style, I hope it won't be a problem for the dorm requirements?"

"Mm nah, you're okay, you young kids are allowed to dress however you chose to."

I swallow the lump in my throat and nod.

"Need of glasses?"

"Yes, I am wearing clear contacts at the moment. Im only a little blind, power of -2.50 in each."

He nods and flips back onto the first page of the folder he was holding.

"And- ahem, just to confirm... Female?"


"Yes, Sir."



"Kim Yong-sun."



"Mm, 22 year old female..." His eyes dart up at me and I nod, "Says here you're about 5'6-"

"Almost 5'7, sir."

"Okay... Student wearing a flowered skirt and white crop top," he pauses and moves his pen towards the paper, "light brown hair and brown eyes to match. Need of glasses?"

"No, sir, I have perfect vision."

He chuckles and nods, closing his folder.

*August 18, Monday, First day of school, College of Fine Arts and Business*

~*Yongsun Pov*~

A yawn escapes my mouth as I sit up on my bed and rub my sleepy eyes.

I glance at my alarm clock besides my bed on a nightstand.


Woke up 2 minutes before my alarm... Great... I quickly cancel my alarm on my phone to make sure it doesn't ring and hastily get up and stretch. I don't want to accidentally fall back asleep. I move to retrieve my towel from my closet as I let my mind begin to plan out my day. 

After my quick shower I quickly brush my teeth and head back into the room to get dressed. I slip on my underwear, along with some blue skinny jeans and a white blouse with a white soft sweater on top.

First day of my freshman year at the college of my dreams. I can't believe I've gotten right were I wanted to be... In college... In my own dorm... Alone but thriving... I never thought of that, the loneliness... I've only found love once, a relationship with someone I rather not mention, or even think about... I never wanted to get back into dating after that.

Before i could stop it, I let out a shaky sigh. I promised myself I would get my good education, start a huge company and become a single successful business woman. What more could I need.


Alright! Lets head to get my full schedule and start of the day smoothly. I've chosen my classes and all, now all i need is to get this schedule to confirm it all. 

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