Heejun ~P.10~

198 9 1

~Yongsun pov~

*beep beep beep beep, click!*

Im usually a deep sleeper but this time the stupid alarm woke me up. Augh...

Why does this feel so early...?

I open my eyes slowly, seeing that the room is still dark.

I hear bedsheets russling and I slowly turn my head to look at the other bed across from me.

My heat stops at what I see and I quickly turn to the wall, clutching my shirt.

Why does Moonbyul not have a shirt on?! Why does she only have shorts and a black sports bra on?! Why is she up at this time?! Why did i turn too quick to look over her- No?! Whats wrong with you!?!

I mentally facepalm and hear her footsteps making her way into the bathroom, but the lights remain off.

I look over at the alarm clock... 5am...

Why is she up this early?

Is her class this early?

I can go back to sleep if I want to... I have to get up at 7...

I stare at the wall for who knows how long and I feel my eyes slowly get heavier.

I stay silent as I listen to Moonbyuls movements. She finally leaves the room and the door closes.

I sigh and close my eyes.

Go back to sleep, pleasee...

My eyes snap open and I jolt out of bed as the room fills with the sound of my phone ringtone.

I run my hands down my face as the tune fades.

I groan and pick my phone up as it comes to a complete stop.

7:06 am...

Atleast I didn't over sleep too much...

I look at my call history and see that It was Eric who called.

I raise a brow and tap the 'Call Back' button.

It doesn't even get past the first ring and I immediately hear his voice.

Eric- Yongsun! How did you sleep?

I clear my throat and walk to my closet as I answer.

Yongsun- I slept great, thanks, Eric...

Eric- that's good, that's good...

Yongsun- yeah... How 'bout you?

I hear the wind russle in the background, he must me out...

Eric- It was peaceful

I yawn and nod, knowing he can't see me I let out a small cool.

Eric- hey, how bout we meet for lunch at the cafe, after your classes?

I hum in thought and take out a pink T-shirt and some dark jeans from my closet.

Yongsun- um... Alright, you don't mind if I bring hyejin along right?

Eric- go ahead

I hear the wind stop and a door shut through the line.

Yongsun- okay, I'll see you after class then...

Eric- alright! Bye!

I let out a drawn out bye and hang up. I throw my phone on my bed and proceed to the bathroom so I can shower.

As I strip, I scan the bathroom and notice that there is now a red toothbrush besides my blue one and I can't help but think about Moonbyul again...

God, whats going on with me...?

I shake my head and step into the shower.

After my nice 5 minute shower, I dry myself and slip my clothes on.

I use my blowdryer to well dry my hair and I grab my backpack, heading to the door.

As I pass the kitchen, I peak in, expecting to see a nice breakfast, unfortunately the kitchen looked clean and unused this morning...

Huh... This is odd honestly...

I try to shake it off and I head to the door.

I slip on my shoes as I check my phone.


Alright, lets head to class. I don't want to be late.

I swing my bag over my shoulder and walk out the door.

I close and lock it behind me and I make my way down the long corridor.

Once I get to the bridge, I look out the window as I walk and I don't stop my thoughts from wondering.


Why does that sound familiar actually...?

So familiar...

But I-

?- ah! Geez watch where you're going!

I yelp and step back, looking up at the man infront of me.

He had faded red colored hair and he was wearing skinny jeans, expensive looking shoes, and a button up that was now stained in coffee.

Man- you're lucky it wasn't hot!

He scrunches his face up and looks at me up and down.

I stutter to come up with an apology and end up swallowing my words.

He scoffs.

Why is there even a man walking through this bridge?!

Yongsun- s-sorry...

Man- fuck... Also lucky you're pretty...

He sighs and puts his empty coffee cup on the window ledge besides us and I quickly take my phone out.


Man- hey! Pay attention when I'm talking to you!

I jolt and jerk my head to him.

Man- Did you even hear what I said?

I slowly shake my head and put my phone away.

Man- I'm Heejun-

Yongsun- sorry i gotta go!

I quickly volt away.

I need to get to class.

Heejun- hey!?

I ignore is voice and run into the school. I head to my first class, checking all the clocks on the walls.

Can't be late, can't be late...

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