04 | black ring

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Black Ring

An awkward silence wasn't so much of a worry thanks to the loud humming of Cinder's motor as the two boys drove down to Jimin's house.

"This is your house?" Yoongi questions Jimin as he pulls off to the side of the road and points to the house.

Jimin nods. His house appeared so small compared to Yoongi's house. Talk about financial differences. He's probably way happier to have such a privileged life.

"T-Thanks again for the ride," Jimin bows his head as he opens the door and hops out. He's held back by Yoongi reaching and grabbing ahold of his wrist.

"W-Wait!" Yoongi says. He didn't want Jimin to leave because it's so nice to have someone to talk to that isn't your sibling. He taps the wheel as he bites his lip, thinking of something to say. "Ah! How about tomorrow we meet at that intersection and walk to school together!"

Jimin couldn't help but laugh. "I-It's Friday," he giggles, but still found it cute at his small mess up. It made him sad that he has to wait a whole weekend to see Yoongi again.

Yoongi facepalms himself. "Aish, my bad! I just got so excited!" He tried to laugh his mistake off, but Jimin didn't think much of it because he enjoys the small things Yoongi does.

Jimin glances down at Yoongi's hand and notices something slightly glimmering on his middle finger. It was a ring but not your ordinary wedding ring. Instead, it was black all the way through without any jewels on it.

Yoongi catches Jimin staring at the ring and quickly releases his wrist. "S-So would that work for Monday?" He asks as he puts his hand with the ring behind the back of his head.

Jimin nods with a smile. "S-Sure!" Jimin felt good to know that someone was looking forward to seeing him again. He's never experienced anything like that.

A gummy smile grows on Yoongi's face. "Cool! See you Monday Jimin!" He says as he takes Cinder out of park and drives off. He puts his hand on his head. "Dammit, I never got his number... I can't just go back now! That's too weird." He pouts his way back home with a feeling of regret and the impatience to see Jimin again.

A sudden rush of sadness came to Jimin as he saw Cinder and Yoongi drive off. He was already missing him.

"Jimin-Ah!" Jimin's mother calls from the front door. She runs up to him and pulls him into a tight embrace. "How's my baby? Did anyone bully you? Do I need to call the police?!" She flashes questions at him.

Jimin laughs as he shakes his head. "I'm good Mum! I even met a new friend!" He felt so proud that he was able to say such words. To say that he has someone there for him that's not his Mum.

Jimin's mother cups her cheeks. "I'm so happy you had such a good day!" Her voice was full of pure happiness for her son. "We must discuss more during dinner!" She says as the two walk into the house.

"There's my son!" Jimin's father stands up from the chair to walk up and pull Jimin into a hug. "How's living the life at a normal high school?" He asks as he ruffles Jimin's hair.

That action reminded Jimin of how often Yoongi ruffled his hair just today. Jimin mentally laughs at the fact that even the smallest of things lead to Yoongi. He misses Yoongi's hands running through his hair because it was just so relaxing and enjoying in the most innocent way. Receiving attention from him was now Jimin's new favorite thing.

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