I still hate my drawing

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Whenever I see great people but with bad personality can draw better than me and completely on a different stage because they were taught about arts while I had to self teach myself, I got so, so, insecure and sick. The feelings was like when you tried to say something but you know it will backfire you, so you just keep it in. You want to say something so badly but you know they got something to fight back. Something that you can't fight and they know they can win anything with it.


My sister is using religion to attack me now lately, how much she didn't know that she was just making herself look idiot. But I know I'm losing, mentally I'm losing and I can't say a word about it.


I got into a fight with a girl who doesn't want to listen to my advice. I'm not saying that being bisexual is wrong or something, I'm just saying that she was still so young and I just want her to take some time for herself, take a little time to think about herself and be like other normal kids. And even if she talked all that "I'm feeling true love" or, "People keep judging me because of my age!" or, "Are you judging me?", it's still not right to go on a fight just because you doesn't want to listen to someone's advice.

For your information, people like you are the one ruining the LGBT community. Equal right? That doesn't gives you right to hate others who tried to help. Love is love? Then why are you hating those who doesn't love you when you're the one who were chasing them? LGBT is about the freedom to love? That was MY time. Nowadays, LGBT community are toxic. Filled with ignorant people who randomly putting labels on their selves without even knowing the meaning of those labels.

....I'm just being emotional. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings.

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