Broklyn Boys(2)

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She guessed she’d find one in his dresser in the top drawer. She was right. She pulled out a plain white shirt and closed the drawer, before exiting his room.

Back in the guest room, she dressed for bed in his white shirt with just her underwear underneath. She placed her work clothes on the top of the dresser, neatly folded so she could wear them tomorrow. She combed through her hair with her fingers to untangle it a bit.

With nothing left to do she climbed into the bed and settled in. The sheets smelled like clean laundry, unsurprising as Steve probably didn’t have many people staying over. She closed her eyes and let herself drift to sleep.


When she woke up the next day, the sun was already high in the sky. She glanced at the clock on the side table and it read eleven-forty. She’d slept for twelve hours! She couldn't remember the last time she’d slept so long. She grabbed her phone to make sure she didn't have any calls from her boss, relaxing when she found her messages empty.

She didn’t hear any noise in the apartment, but assumed Steve must be home. She left the guest room to find out if he maybe had any coffee or even tea. She needed some caffeine.

When she entered the kitchen, She found Steve seated at his table reading a newspaper. He was dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt two sizes too small. Even though the shirt left little to the imagination, Natasha wanted to rip it off and explore the hard planes if muscle just underneath.

He must not have heard her come in because he startled when she spoke. “Any coffee for me?” She asked as she entered the room.

He whipped his head up to look at her and froze, his eyes wide. It took her a moment to realize why. She was still wearing his shirt from the night before and nothing else. Her legs bare and the shirt dropping low off her shoulder, she probably looked very enticing. She smirked.

Steve cleared his throat before attempting to speak. “There’s, uh, there’s coffee in the pot on the counter…” He offered, still staring.

She sauntered over to the coffee pot and reached up into the cabinet above for a mug. She could feel the edge of the shirt rise to just below her ass. She was certainly giving him quite the show.

“So, how’d you sleep?” Steve asked, trying to sound casual.

“Wonderful!” She turned to him with a sweet smile. “Best sleep I’ve had in a long time.” She meant it.

“Glad to hear it.” Steve smiled then glanced back down at the newspaper he was reading. She could tell, though, that he was keeping an eye on her in his peripheral vision.

She sat at the table with her coffee. She chose the chair to his right. She crossed one leg over the other, flashing a ton of thigh to him just to mess with him a little more.

“Natasha,” Steve grunted in warning.

Natasha smiled innocently and batted her eyes. “Yes?”

Steve shook his head, moving to stand up. He dumped his mug and plate in the sink. When he turned back he caught her watching him. He thought, two could play at that game.

“I’m going to go shower,” He announced to her. As he walked out of the kitchen, he pulled his t-shirt over his head. Natasha watched the sculpted muscles flex and move. She watched him until he disappeared into his bedroom. When he re-emerged, he was in just a towel.

Natasha bit her lip, imagining what was just under that towel. She was imagining joining him in the shower, soaping him up, tracing the rivulets of water running down his body with her tongue.

Once Steve disappeared into the bathroom and Natasha heard the water start, she left the kitchen to go change into her own clothes. She wasn’t thrilled with the idea of wearing yesterday’s outfit. She pulled on the pants and was reaching for the blouse when she thought about just leaving Steve’s shirt on. She grinned to herself.

Steve was still showering when she was done getting dressed and she did need to get going. She knocked on the door to let him know she was leaving, but he told her to wait a moment. She heard the shower turn off and him fumble around for a moment. Then he opened the door, once again with just the towel wrapped around his waist and nothing else.

She stared at him. He was too damn attractive to not stare. Steve smirked, knowing what he was doing to her. He was doing exactly what she had done to him earlier.

“Stealing my shirt, I see?” Steve broke the silence.

Natasha’s eyes snapped to his and she blushed. “Well, it is more comfortable than my blouse…”

He smiled at her, clearly fine with the arrangement. “No worries.” He said. He stepped out of the bathroom, invading her space as she hadn’t moved from her spot. She mentally shook her head and backed away from him, allowing him to get by. He dressed quickly then rejoined her in the hallway.

“Let me walk you out.” He lead her back down the stairs and through the bar. She noticed how different the place was with no one around. The chairs were all stack upside-down on top of the tables. The floor was clean, not sticky like they usually were.

They stopped at the doors and Natasha turned to Steve. “Thank you, again, for letting me stay.”

“Anytime, Nat.” He reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Natasha felt a flutter low in her belly.

“Guess I’d better get going,” She said, willing herself to move and get out of there. If she stayed any longer she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t jump him right there.

Steve unlocked the door for her and held it open. “See you around, Nat.” He smiled at her as she left.

“Bye, Steve.”

Two weeks later, Natasha was back at Brooklyn Boys. It was the first time she’d been back since she’d stayed over, but not for lack of want.

Two days after the impromptu sleepover, Natasha got called away on business. She had to fly to California with her boss for eight days. When she finally got home, she was so tired she slept for nearly fourteen hours.

Usually business trips weren’t so bad, but her first flight had been delayed by five hours, which caused her to miss her layover flight, so she had to book a new one. That flight was also running late, though only two hours this time. The entire second flight was spent next to a very energetic five year old boy who wanted nothing but to talk everyone’s ear off. He also found it amusing to keep poking Natasha’s arm to get her attention, even when his father had told him no more.

Thankfully, the business trip was done. Everything had gone well for her boss and she’d earned some downtime, so she went to her favorite place.

Sam was tending bar when she walked through the doors of Brooklyn Boys. He greeted her with a big smile and a wave, motioning for her to come sit at the counter. It was pretty quiet in there even though it was a Thursday. Natasha supposed that it would get busier as it got later.

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