Broklyn Boys(4)

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A couple of women came up to the bar a moment later. They were a few seats down from Natasha. When Steve noticed the new arrivals he came over with a smile and greeted them.

“Hello ladies! How are you this evening?” Steve greeted them cheerily.  He leaned forward on the counter, his hands resting on the edge.

The two women giggled. One of the women was tall with blonde hair. She wore a rather low cut blouse and a very short skirt. She was very clearly checking Steve out. The other woman, while also appraising Steve, was a little more reserved about it. She was a brunette and the sundress she wore was much less revealing than her friend’s outfit.

“Hey handsome,” The Blonde winked at him. She leaned forward just enough to show off some cleavage. Natasha could see Steve fight the urge to look down.

"So, what are you guys drinking tonight?" Steve asked handing them a couple of menus.

"What do you suggest?" The blonde almost purrs. Natasha tried not to gag at the obvious come on.She glanced at Steve but noticed he didn’t seem to mind. He was still giving them a friendly smile. 

"Depends on what you like."

"I'm open to suggestions.” The blonde tilted her head and bit her lip. Natasha rolled her eyes and scoffed quietly. The blonde was seriously trying to seduce Steve.

"Well, do you want something strong or fruity?" Steve asked. Natasha didn’t think he looked even mildly uncomfortable. It irritated her. Then it irritated her that it irritated her. Why should she care? It’s not like she had any claim to Steve.

"How about you?" The blonde asked suggestively, winking at him again. Natasha turned her head away, not wanting to witness this.

"Not on the menu." Steve chuckled.

"Oh darn, you seem to be the sweetest drink I could have." Natasha glanced out of the corner of her eyes and saw the blonde pouting playfully. She really needed to stop watching this train wreck.

Steve just smiles and clears his throat.

"How about a Sex on the Beach?” She finally ordered. “I'll bring the sunscreen lotion..." And there was the come on. Honestly, did this woman not know how desperate she sounded?

Natasha downed the rest of her martini and set the glass down a little harder than necessary. She didn’t noticed the concerned look Steve threw her way. She was too busy messing with her phone.

She ignored the rest of Steve’s conversation with the blonde. She didn’t understand why she was so annoyed. Just because Steve flirted with her all the time didn’t mean he belonged to her. It didn’t even mean he was interested in her. After all, she’s seen him flirt with other women at the bar too. Maybe that’s just how he was with women-confident and sweet and a little flirty.

Telling herself this didn’t ease the jealousy-because it was jealousy- in her. It only made her realize she was just one of any number of women Steve saw in any given day.

No, she had to remind herself, they were friends. Steve wouldn’t treat her like a random stranger.

She was so caught up in her own head that she didn’t even noticed Steve had come over and poured her a new martini until he placed it down in front of her.

“Everything okay, Nat?” He asked. The concern on his face was so sincere that the resentment she’d felt a few moments ago faded.

“Yeah,” she smiled. “I’m good.” She handed him the menu that had been sitting in front of her the whole time. “I’ll have the potato skins.”

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