Scyther x Reader 《Chapter 1》

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Reader's POV

When I heard the screams, I ran, from what, I didn't know, but it couldn't be good. All too suddenly, the screams cut off, and the sound of my feet hitting the pavement seemed much too loud. I kept running though, but after a while, obstacles seemed to be blocking every alleyway except one.

Soon, I came across a dead end, and  I turned around to try and find another way out, but then I saw red eyes glowing in the shadows at the far end of the alley. They came closer and closer, till finally, I was able to see the figure they belonged to.

It was a young boy, he looked around seventeen or eighteen, with light brown hair painted with bright red streaks, his clothes were also stained with red, but what caught my attention most was his face, red eyes were all I could see, a black mouth guard covered the rest of his face.

Suddenly, the boy spoke, his voice low and with an echo-like quality to it, "Why are you running?"

I flinch away from the boy, "I-I heard s-screams, I w-was sca-" I was cut off by laughter, and not normal laughter, no, it was the laugh of a psychopath, and it was coming from the boy.

"You were scared?" He comes forward, and I suddenly see something behind him, at first, it looks like just a long, very straight stick, but then I see the slightly curved, wickedly sharp blade at the end, a scythe.

I try to back away as he approaches me, but soon back into a wall, the boy comes forward until he's standing only a foot away from me, and that's when I see the bright red blood dripping from the blade of the scythe.

I quickly dashed to the left of the boy, trying to get away, but he's much faster than me, and he grabs my arms, pinning them behind me, "Not so fast. You know? I think I might take you home with me, you'd be an entertaining little pet...," then everything goes black.

Scyther's  POV

I quickly knocked the girl out before she could get away, then sling her over my shoulder and start heading back to the mansion, why I'm taking a human back there, I have no idea, but what I said to her was true, she would be quite entertaining.

"Slender is going to kill me," I mutter, I should just kill the girl and go home, but for some reason, I keep walking, heading back to the woods. I soon reach the mansion, there, I check that the girl's fully unconscious before going inside.

I'm greeted with the sight of BEN lounging on the couch, shirtless. "BEN, get a fucking shirt on you perv," I growl at him, then go to walk upstairs.

"Oooooh, what's that, did you bring me a toy?" I'm interuppted by BEN, asking a stupid question, once again.

"No, and don't ask anything else," I head upstairs and into my room. I'm hoping Dark isn't inside, Dark, as in, Dark Link, but of course, he is, and he gives me a look when I  walk in.

"Who the hell is she?" He asks, coming over, and his eyes light up, "You've got quite the looker there, don't you Tempest?~" He asks in a voice that makes me shudder with revulsion.

"I'll kill her soon, don't you worry."

Will I...?

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