Scyther x Reader 《Chapter 4》

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Scyther's POV

After punishing her thoroughly, I let her up, ready for her to try to bolt, which is exactly what she does. I grab her waist and pull her back to me, "Where do you think you're going, Kitten?"
She turns and glares at me, "Away from you, murderer," she growls and tries to pull herself out of my grip.
I smirk, holding her tightly, "If you think you're going anywhere without my permission, then you're very deluded, you see, you're now mine, you won't do anything without my permission."

Reader's POV

When I hear those words, I freeze, I'm going to be stuck in this house, with people who are completely crazy. "Why do you want me, why not just kill me?" I ask, hoping to provoke him, death would be better than living with him.

"You see, Kitten..." he murmurs, using that dreaded nickname, "I haven't had any fun in a while, and I thought a little game would be nice." That's all I was to him, a piece in his game.

"What's your name?" I ask, without thinking, at least I'd have something to call him, instead of just a monster or murderer.

He growls softly, and the blade of his scythe presses against my midsection, "Why do you want to know?"

"So I can actually call you something."

For a while, he's silent, and I slowly become more and more afraid that I've pissed him off again, but then he says softly, "Call me Scyther if anything."

I hold back a smile, "Isn't that a little, uh, obvious?"

"I have a name, but that's the one you will use, got it?" The blade of his scythe cuts through the fabric of my shirt, and I feel the sharp sting of it cutting through my skin.

"Got it!" I gasp, and he releases me.

"You will stay in here until I see that you have no intentions of escaping, then I may let you out and around the mansion." He states, his voice low as his breath tickles my ear. I shiver at the feeling of it, then immediately scold myself. This has got to be Stockholm syndrome, I can't be falling for him, can I?

No, because as soon as he backs away, and I can see his face again, anger fills me. "What the hell!? Are you insane or something!?"

He laughs, "Obviously Kitten, didn't you notice?" He removes the scythe from my back and turns away. "Maybe you'll learn more about why I'm this way, but it's unlikely you'll survive long here." I sigh and sit down, I knew there was no escape, but it hurt to hear it.

"But my family..."

"Is dead. They were the missions of a couple of colleagues of mine, I saved you from that fate." I cover my mouth with my hand as tears fill my eyes. I quickly wipe them away. I have to be strong here, I have to be able to hold my own against these creatures of the night. 

He stares at me for a moment, then murmurs, "Good, you're learning." I look up, and instead of bright, crimson red eyes staring down at me. His entire being seems to have changed, his eyes are softer, and are a bright, leafy green instead of blood red. His hair no longer has the blood-like streaks and the black mouthguard that covered his face is gone. 

"W-what happened to you?" I stare at this now very different boy in front of me, one that could have passed as normal.

"I shifted out of my proxy form, this is what I normally look like." Even his voice is softer, more human-like. 

"I could get used to this." I murmur, and he laughs. My eyes widen at the unfamiliar sound and I stare at him. This boy, the one who kidnapped and tortured me. Threatened me with death, just laughed?

"Don't look so shocked, I'm a normal human like you. I commonly detest your kind because of what they did to me. But I think I can tolerate one more."

I slowly sit down on the bed and look down. My whole world feeling upside down. 

And the boy who had seemed so scary before now seems like someone I could become friends with, someone I could like...

September Scyther : Creepypasta Backstory (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now