Scyther x Reader 《Chapter 2》

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Dark Link's POV

I smirk at him, "You sound unsure... How about I help you out with that~" I pull out a dagger that I had with me and went to slash the girl's throat, but instead of the knife cutting through flesh, the dagger hits metal, when I look, I see it's the blade of a scythe.

"The hell are you doing?!" I growl at him, meeting his crimson red eyes.

"I said, I'd kill her, not you, not anyone else," he replies in a low voice, and shoves me away with the blade of his scythe, "Go find something else to do, I'll take care of this."

I smirk at him, "I see, is she your new little toy?~" I ask, in the voice I know he hates, it works, as shudders go down his spine.

"Just get the fuck out of here Dark."

"Awe, but it's my room as well..."

"I said... get... out..."

I know better than to piss him off, so I leave, but as I do, I wonder how long that girl, that human girl specifically, is going to live.

Scyther's POV

I watch Dark leave the room, damn, that perv pisses me off sometimes, but he's still a good friend, when he's not trying to kill my-

My what? I don't own her, all she's going to be is longer lasting than most of the humans I meet. I glance at her, she's still unconscious, this is going to be a while...

Fuck, she's stirring, I should probably leave, no, I should stay, she needs to know who's boss.

Reader's POV

I slowly wake up, the first thing I notice is that my head is throbbing, I move my hand to my head and touch it where it hurts, and when I pull my hand away and look at it, there is blood on my fingertips.

That's when I notice the boy in the corner, then everything comes flooding back, the screams, the dead end alley, this boy, calling me his pet. I sit up and back away quickly, too quickly, it causes the pain in my head to worsen, and spots dance in front of my eyes.

"You're awake." That voice, the voice of nightmares, this is like something straight out a horror film. The boy gets up and starts walking toward me, I try to back away, but his hand shoots out and grabs my wrist, faster than any human should be.

"L-let me go," I say, trying to sound intimidating, but my voice is shaking and it comes out quiet. The boy laughs and drags me closer to him.

"I don't think so sweetheart," he growls, then drops me onto the bed, I once again try to get away, then something sharp presses into my back, a blade. I turn a little, and see it's the scythe, my eyes widen at the sight of it, and he laughs again, then forces me to look at him.

"You're adorable when you're scared, you know that?" He says softly, almost gently, but there's a sadistic look in his eyes.

I freeze, has my life gone downhill this fast, that I'm stuck with a sadistic monster?

The answer I see is...


September Scyther : Creepypasta Backstory (UNDERGOING EDITING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ