Chapter 1

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Arianna's POV

You never think anything will happen to you. Such as rape, being hospitalized, or losing someone that meant the world to you. Something I never thought would happen to me, happened. After dreading the fact I needed to go to the doctor about my frequent nose bleeds, I finally had the guts to make an appointment.

My name is Arianna Marie. Ari for short. I'm 23 years old and live alone in my small apartment in LA. It was today, at 5:57pm, when I received the call that was going to change my life, forever.

"Miss. Daniels. The doctor would like to see you now." The nurse says.

I walked to the back of the doctors office, and sat on the examination chair. Once the doctor came in, he checked my blood pressure, heart beat, and bone strength.

"Arianna, we are going to need to take a blood sample to run some test. If we find anything, we will give you a call as soon as possible."

"Sounds great."

They stick the needle into my hand and drew out blood. I was told the lab results weren't going to take to long and I should be receiving a call to make sure I'm fine. I proceed on with my normal day, I went to the grocery store and picked up some eggs and milk, and then walked out to my car. Once I arrived home, I placed everything in it's spot. I'm kind of a neat freak when it comes to this stuff. As I poured myself a glass of red wine, I made my way to the living room to finish watching up the movie I was watching. My phone suddenly ringed and it was my doctor.

"Hello." I answer.

"Is this Arianna Marie Daniels?" My doctor speaks.

"Yes this is her. Who am I speaking to?" I asked.

"This is doctor Travis. The lab results came back in. You need to see me early tomorrow morning. I need to speak to you face to face about what we found." Dr. Travis explains.

"What you found? Would you please let me know now? I would like to know as soon as possible." I say.

"Miss. Daniels, are you sure you would like to receive this kind of information over the phone?" He says.

"Yes. What's causing all these nose bleeds?"

"Well ma'am. We did all the lab work and your blood test came back positive." He explains.

"Positive for what?" I asked.

Then, I was told I had the last thing I ever imagined to happen to me.

"Arianna. You have Leukemia Cancer."

His words echoed through my head. The red wine fell out of my hand and stained my white carpet. Tears filled up into my eyes.

"Ca-Cancer." I stuttered.

"Yes Miss. Daniels. We will like to start chemo quickly. Please come in as soon as possible. We are very sorry.

I hung up the phone call with the doctor, grabbed the car keys to my black small Corolla, and drove off. I didn't even know where I was going. I just wanted to get my mind of this. My vision became extremely blurry. I wasn't able to see anything. As I tried to wipe my eyes, I crashed right into someone's car. Hitting them from the back.

"Shit!" I yell.

I get off the car the same time the other person was getting out of theirs.

"I'm so sorry."

"What the hell?!" The man yells.

"I'm sorry sir. I will call my insurence and get this all handled." I say.

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