Chapter 8: Repressed or Suppressed 🧠

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Beyond this part, my stay is a blur, most likely because it's now been over a year since I've been at 'Black Oak'. It was traumatic and although some of the days I may have forgotten, the people I met will never escape my mind. Especially those who I connected with. I still keep in touch with many of the people I met, because there is truly nothing like bonding over having the lust for death. As I put in the note at the end of Chapter 3, one of the girls who was by my side almost my entire hospitalization, has since committed suicide. She was an amazing girl and I will never forget the day I saw her beautiful face in the obituaries.
As I mentioned before, I may not remember the rest of my time at 'Black Oak', but I do remember the last day I was there. That is something I will NEVER forget. All thanks to Kay, really. Here's how it went.

I am posting Chapter 9: The End Justifies
The Means by noon, 08/27/2018.

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

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