Morning Fights

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Mason's POV

Someone was waking me up from my peaceful sleep "Maddy....five more minutes...ill feed the fish later..." I mumbled sleepily "Mason wake up! You need to see this! Also im not maddy! Im amily!" Amily yelled to wake me up " sleepy...i dont want to open my eyes..." I said as i faceplanted my face on the pillow "not even going to open your eyes to see your sister and my brother cuddling?" She asked...and i know theres a smirk on her face..."N-wait...wait a freaking minute..." I jolted up to see the scene, and yes she was right my bestfriend was cuddling my lil sister that made my blood boil "see! Arent they cute?!" Amy fangirl about it " Mother of cheese and crackers...THATS IT!" I yelled and pulled Aiden up to wake him, at first he opened his eyes and his scared, he knows very well why "YOU FREAKING LIL...IM GOIN TO KILL YOU RIGH-" Before i could finish my sentence Maddy already stood up and defended him "hold on big bro! No fighting nor hurting here he was just comforting me thats all! I had a nightmare thats why he did that..." She reassures truthfully, i just sigh and let it go " fine....but i swear if he doe-" "no brother. Dont worry about it. Ill let you know when to have hes head for dinner..." She joked, and Aiden had wide eyes at her "kidding Aiden..." She laughed a little at his reaction.

Maddison's POV

I laughed a little at Aiden's reaction, it was hilarious "Ill go make breakfast, "Amily watch over these two while im in the kitchen, k?" I commanded "mam, yes mam!" She saluted and I smiled, as i went to the kitchen to get the food ready, i got eggs,bacon,pancakes and waffles.

I heated the pan and poured the batter of pancakes in, while it was cooking i poured the batter of waffles in the waffle maker and make Orange juice.

Aiden's POV

I fixed my sleeping bag while sweating nervously, why? Cuz my damn psychotic bestfriend was watching me like he was already killing me with his eyes.

"Hey Jack..." He called out oh shoot he called me my second name, im dead im gonna die, hes going to kill me right this moment and i know i already have a coffin outside the- " hey can you stop exaggerating im killing you? That might happen in the near future tho.." he whispered the last part but i clearly heard it "yeah, i know who you are and your actions towards protecting your sister...and im not gonna die today, not today Carter..." I said surely "yes, i know you know how I protect my lil baby sister-" "Mason im not a baby anymore!"  Maddy yelled from the other room "as I was saying, i just dont want her being touched or hurt by any guy, even if its just..." "Your just worried and concern that she might get hurt by some asshole, yes i know that but im not hurting her i was just comforting her because she had a nightmare and I wont just let that happen to her" I assure him clearly, all he did was sigh "fine ill let that aside...what was her nightmare anyway?..." He ask curious "well..." I explained him what it was and God he had so much expressions that i cant describe well at first he was shocked,then mad, then worriedly sad for her, then shockingly madly worriedly sad and thats not even a thing "how-- why-- i--" he cant even build a sentence correctly " and thats why..." I finished telling it and all he do was stare blankly "alright...i understand now...I shouldve known that...i wasnt there to be the one comforting my sister..." He muttered everything that i cant understand the last part "ill....go check if shes done cooking..." He said sadly...i exactly know what hes going to do...

Maddison's POV

I was finishing cooking the food until i heard Mason called me, "Hey, M" he greeted heh...I miss the days when we call that to eachother...i thought with a smile "what is it, M?" I asked while putting the pancakes on the plate "Can we talk? You know...our sibling chat?" He asked that, i froze...its been a year since the last time we did that,the last time i remembered is when i had a bad dream I thought "oh...sure..." I said blankly.

I sat down on the stool also did he, "what do you wanna talk about...?" I ask curiously "we havent talk like a while now.." i added but whispered it, i saw him frown " I just...wanna have our talks like we used to, its been a while since you told me about you and a while since i told you about me...i just feel like i havent been the brother you always wanted to be..." He frowned more and i feel pain seeing that "hey...dont get sad...your still the brother i once wanted and loved theres no need to say that...i know we changed our paths but that doesnt mean were not brother and sister anymore, right?" I stated with a smile, he smiled back " Right...i just wanna catch up, like what i really do..." He smiled, "Nothings really up lately still the same old me" i giggled, but he just stared at me blankly then looked away with a frown " whats the matter bro?" I asked concerned about him "how long have you been hiding it from me...?" He ask blankly "what do you mean Mason?" I tilted my head to my right in confusion "you know what I mean Maddy...How long have you been hiding your tears from me?" He said, and i just froze silent "how long have you been hiding all your fears from me?, How long have you been hiding all the pain in you from me?, How long have you been lying to me that your fine?, How long have you been having all these nightmares and hiding it from me?, Why didnt you told me? We promised eachother in our whole life time we will tell eachother the truth,our secrets, the pain in us we promised that didnt we? Then why didnt you told me about it?" He spatted it all out, i just froze shocked feeling tears forming in my eyes "and you know whats more painful....?" He asked looking at me in the eyes while he puts hes hand on the spot where his heart was "Is that you never told me about it, the person who told me was my bestfriend than my own sister" he cried out painfully "M-mason I just..." "You just what?! Dont trust me anymore?! That you hid it from me and told it to someone else?!" He yelled angrily "No! Its not that! I just didnt wanna worry you! You were already so happy with your friends and Jenny...I just didnt wanna ruin all of that for you...i just thought I was a waste of your time..." I said truthful, i looked down on my feet while waiting for the tears to come out "A waste of my time?....A freaking waste of my time? Are you freaking serious Olivia?! You would never be a waste of my time! I would just f*cking take care of you and be with my sister than be with those f*cking asshats I care and Love you because your my sister and your my priority as A big brother I am i dont care about my friends I care about my only sibling, stop freaking thinking about that your Important to me and always remember that!" He yelled at me and i felt the sibling love we always had, i couldnt speak at all so i just hugged him tight and cry " im s-so sorry..." I apologize between tears " shouldnt the one who should be apologizing to you...i havent been taking good care of you..." He cried out hugging me tighter.

Amily's POV

Sniff. Sniff. Sniff. "Now tell me why are you crying?" Aiden rolled his eyes at my dramatic ways "its just there so...touching! Its their power of siblingness!" I cried out "thats not even a word..." He stated "EVEN! JUST LOOK AT THEM.." I commanded him, as he look he smiled..."heh...i remembered when you were young you were the opposite of her..." He snickered "hey!" I pout "but you were sweet and polite..." He sighed and put an arm around me "lets go home we dont wanna disturb them..." He said leading to the door "yeah we can come back later..." We left not even bothering telling them.


Heya everyone!!!!
Hope you love this! Ann was right it was i miss my brother ;-; well see ya in the next chap!

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