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September 24th 2024

Jack opened the door to the boys house once I had knocked

"Hey" he said

"Hi" i smiled

"I'm sorry about-"

"Don't" I cut jack off walking into the living room

"Hey mom" Caden hugged me

"Hi, did you have fun?" I asked

"Yes, uncle byn" he calls Corbyn 'byn' ever since he's met him "is about to take me for ice cream, is that alright?" He asked

"Of course it is, I'll be here waiting" I smiled

"We'll be back in a bit" Corbyn came in "Daniels going to be the only one here" I nodded as the five walked out the door

I walked up the stairs and lent on Daniels door frame

"Hey" I said, he just looked up and back down to his draws "you can't ignore me forever"

"I can try" he replied

"Why are you even mad at me?"

"Because" he stood up "that video!" He started to raise his voice "you didn't even deny it to the guys! How do you think that makes me feel!"

"I don't know unless you tell me!"

"Why didn't you deny it!?" He asked

"Because it's true!" I looked him in the eye "I have slept with Zach!"

"Are you kidding me?!" I shook my head "how many times! Are you still doing it after I told you how I felt?!"

"No! It was one time!"

"Why?! Why did you do it?!"

"Because!" I looked down "I'm completely in love with you" I whispered

"Because you're in love with me?!" He started to tear up "Kenna! That doesn't even make sense!"

"It was two years ago!" I sat on his bed "you had grace! You were sleeping with grace knowing you were in love with me!"

"How is that the same?!"

"Because you had someone that way, I didn't! It was a mistake! It happened once! He was there for me in a way no one else could be!" At this point he was crying without knowing

"I never had sex with her! I could of been! But you ran away! That was you! Not me!" He throw his hands in the frustratedly

"You didn't?" He shook his head

"you ran away knowing you were carrying my child! I could of helped you raise him!"

"I was nineteen! I was scared! I never told you why I broke up with you!"

"Did you break up with me because you knew you were pregnant?" He asked no longer raising his voice, I shook my head "then tell me why" he sat on the bed next to me

"Because we never saw each other, I was aching for the touch of you, for you just to hold me but you couldn't. We got so busy we didn't have time for each other" he looked me in the eyes not interrupting just listening "I thought if I broke it off, it would relieve us pain but I just caused so much more" he wiped my tears "I found out a week later I was pregnant with Caden" I looked down

Daniel lifted my head back up to face him by placing his index finger on my chin. He placed both hands on my jaw and pulled my face towards him

"I love you" he whispered before closing the gap between our lips. The kiss was what we both needed. I had missed the feeling of his lips on mine.

He lead over me not breaking the kiss, he slowly moved us up further on the bed so we weren't hanging of the edge, we both pulled away for air. Our faces were still only inches apart so he took his chance to place a couple of short and sweet kisses.

"I love you too" I smiled, he returned the smile and soon placed his lips back on to mine.


"Hey, Hey, hey" I paused the film Daniel and I were watching as the boys walked back in

"Hi mom, hi dad" Caden waved

"Hey!" The rest of the boys chirped

"You Guys alright now?" Zach asked

"I'm going to kill you" Daniel mouthed at him, he put his hands up in defence "I'm joking! We're all cool" Zach came over and they did their hand shake

"You ready?" I asked Caden, he nodded

"Bye, I love you" he hugged Danny

"I love you too bud" he smiled

"Bye guys, see you soon" I waved walking out to the car. "When we get back we have to pack remember"

"Yes, we moving into our house house?" He asked

"Yes, just me and you" I smiled

"What about daddy?"

"Maybe he'll move with us one day" he nodded as we pulled up into the driveway

"We have great news!" Sam came running to me "our managers said yes!"

"Oh my god! That's amazing!" Sam, Bella, Evie, joey and I started jumping about "when came we announce it?" I asked

"Next week" joey smiled "also we packed the rest of you photo studio ready for you to move tomorrow"

"Thank you so much guys"

"Does that mean we don't have to pack?" Caden asked

"Yes" he grinned

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