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July 16th 2025

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Caden, happy birthday to you" Daniel and I sang waking Caden up

"Can you tell me how old you are?" Daniel asked

"Six!" He jumped out of bed

"So you still want your sleep over with Jess tonight right?" I asked

"Yeah, watch movies and have lots of snacks?"

"Anything for the birthday boy" I smiled

"Anything?" Daniel and I nodded

"I want to go to New York!" Caden exclaimed

"New York?" Daniel asked

"I loved it there! Here is just all sunny" he pouted "I miss New York" Daniels smile kind of flattened looking upset

"Maybe we can go on holiday there" I rubbed Daniels back in a comforting way

"I'll be back" Daniel said sliding out of the room

"Can we go on holiday?" Cade asked

"Yeah, once your sisters are born and I'll arrange it"

"Thank you mommy" he went over to his toys and started to play

Going to the kitchen I heard a sniffling sound coming from my bedroom, walking in I saw daniel with red eyes curled on the bed

"Daniel baby" I lead next to him "just because he says he misses New York doesn't mean he doesn't want you in his life"

He placed his head on my chest letting out a sigh "I know but it still sucks hearing that"

"If anything he misses the weather, he loves the rain" I smiled

"Maybe we should take him to England" Daniel suggested

"How about" I thought for a moment "you and Caden go?" Daniel sat up


"Yeah, I'll stay here with the twins when they after they arrive and then my boys can go off to the city of London"

"I can't leave you with two new borns" Daniel shook his head "I can't leave you"

"Yes you can! I will be right here when you come back"

"The boys and I have a month off in two weeks and then we won't have any for ages" Daniel said

"Then go then"

"What if the girls are late?-"

"They won't be"

"What if they are? I want to experience it with you!" Daniel complained

"You won't, I have a feeling they will be on time, so go book tickets, a hotel, then give it to Caden as a birthday present"

Daniel finally gave in, pulling up the laptop looking for tickets


"Caden! Get in the jeep please!" I shouted up the stairs

Daniel walked outside the house to my jeep, soon having Caden join him. We all climbed into the jeep heading for Walmart

"Mom can't drive 'cause she's fat with babies" Caden said from the back seats

"Caden!" Daniel scolded "That's not nice!"

"I didn't mean it in a mean way!" He fought back

"It still isn't a nice thing whether it was meant to be harsh" Daniel looked at him through the wind mirror, Caden folded his arms

"I can never win!" Caden huffed

The rest of the car journey was quite until we arrived at the supermarket

"can i push the trolley mom?" caden asked

"of course you can" i smiled at him "dad will be at the other end in case you nearly hit someone" he laughed

"that's the fun!" he grabbed my hand "i'm sorry for earlier by the way, i love you momma" caden gave me a side hug

"it's okay, i knew you didn't mean it in a harsh way" he smiled up at me, caden soon let go of my hand to run to daniel pushing the trolley towards us

"can i have any kind of candy?!" the six year old asked

"any kind" daniel confirmed causing the boy to squeal and run up the aisle

getting home caused caden to squeal with excitement seeing everyone in our house with presents

"byn! jack! zach! jonah! what are you doing here?!" the little boy asked running to hug them all

"well it is your birthday isn't it?" jack asked

"maybe we've got the wrong day?" jonah shrugged

"no! it's the right day" caden smiled

"happy birthday!" they all shouted

"thank you!" he shouted back "does that mean it's present time?" he looked at daniel and i for an answer


caden sat on the floor being handed each present one by one, opening them his smile just kept getting bigger and bigger

"wow! thank you guys!" he hugged them again

"we have one more for you" i said getting his attention handing him the envelope

"what's in it?" he asked

"you have to open it" zach chuckled

caden opened the envelope gasping


"yep, you and i buddy" danny smiled

"no mommy?" i shook my head "rain! i get to be in rain! just like the rain in new york!"

"yes cade, rain" we all laughed


hey guys, it's been awhile, sorry i haven't been very active, i've been very busy and haven't had an inspiration.

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