Chapter 4

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I follow Baz in the hallway for a bit, but then he just kind of disappears from my sight. I'm about to turn back to the dining hall when I see a door closing.

I take off in this direction and open the door, pulling myself into one of  Watford's boys bathroom. I see that Baz is also there, his back facing me. I shut the door close and lean casually against it. Baz turns around to face me and I look at him my arms crossed on my chest.

''What do you want Snow, he asks,'' desperation in his voice.

''Well I was just making sure that your evil mind is not preparing another trick of yours,'' I respond in a cold voice.

Baz begins to walk in my direction and stops just in front of me. He raises his arms, putting them to each side of my head, pinning me to the door. He approaches his mouth really close to mine and whispers:

"I'm not plotting against you. Happy now? Crowley Snow, I don't pass all my time thinking about new ways to kill you!"

"Yeah right, I totally believe that." I whisper back.

"Look Snow. Believe whatever you want. I'm tired to always tell you the same things, so if you think I'm plotting, then just believe yourself."

He kind of spits the last word directly on my lips. I want to wipe it of of them but I can't move due to Baz's closeness.

"Baz could you move? You just spit on my lips and you're too close." I say.

"And what if I don't want to move?" he asks with a smirk on his lips.

"Baz, this is not a joke. Move."I reply in a cold tone.

"Make me, then." he replies, his smirk growing larger on his face.

I don't know why, but I can't move. And then he does something that I would never imagined him doing. He licks his spit on my lips, with his tongue, and then he KISSES me! I guess I'm way too surprised to think straight, because I kiss him back, putting my hands on his stomach. He makes a little sound of happiness, pushing his mouth harder on mine. I push back, my brain totally paralyzed. What am I doing?! Am really kissing my worst enemy?! To be sure that this isn't a dream, I put my right arm around his waist, keeping my left hand on his stomach and start making littles rounds on it. He responds with a moan against my mouth letting me know that I'm definitely not dreaming. Baz's lips are kind of cold, but they're really soft. Crap, this is not right! I have a girlfriend and I'm straight! I can't be enjoying being kissed by Baz, who is a vampire and a guy!!!!! I try jerking my mouth away from his but he's pushing his lips really hard against mine. So instead, I decide to push him with my arms. I place the arm who was around his waist on his stomach and I push him. His mouth jerks away from mine and I take this chance to open de door, sprinting at full speed to put as much distance as possible between him and I.

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