Chapter 2

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These chapters are kind of going to me like sort of mini-chapters because as I said before, I sort of suck at making original content like this so bear with me!

NEST base, Diego Garcia
1 day after Egypt

Matsuri had been in the medic bay ever since they had gotten back from Egypt and she was a little bit annoyed by it, but she understood. Ratchet was trying to get everything he could to make her a new arm out of scrap cybertronian metal- or Transformium as Vector Prime called it- and it was rather tough, especially when none of the metals he had tried would react to the girl. She could tell that he was getting frustrated and she was sure to keep her mouth shut about it, but after a few minutes, she did speak up.

"Hey, um...Ratch...?"

"Yes Matsuri?" Ratchet sized as he put all the metals back into their storage area.

"I... can't you try someone's metal?"

Ratchet paused, a thoughtful look appearing on his face. "Hm... That's one thing I haven't thought of... It couldn't hurt to try, I suppose. Let me just go comm Ironhide."

She nodded and watched as he did so. She watched as he finished the comm and began to extract a piece of metal from his armor and placing it on the large table.

Not even a second later, Ironhide came walking in and towards Ratchet with an arm already held out. Ratchet was quick to extract the metal and sat it down with his own before taking some tweezers. He carefully picked up his piece of metal up with them and held it towards the young half-human, analyzing everything.

His optics brightened, seemingly saw what he was looking for before doing the same thing with Ironhide's piece.

"Now, I can get started on your arm."

She watched as he got started before looking up at Ironhide. "Hey, pops?"

"Yes?" Ironhide looked down at her.

"While he's over there playing mad doctor, mind taking me to the others?"

Ironhide scooped her up gently before making his way out of the medbay and down the hallway before walking to the main hanger. She could see everyone there except for Will, Robert and Optimus of course.

"Yo, Mats!" Skids chirped once he caught sight of her on Ironhide's hand as he approached. "Ya gonna get a new arm?"

"Of course." she snorted. "Are you really questioning Ratch's ability?"


That's when Mudflap smacked his twin upside the head, making Matsuri snicker.

"Idiots." Sideswipe mumbled under his breath before turning towards Matsuri. "Lennox, Epps and Optimus should be back soon. They had to hold a meeting."

"Gotcha." Matsuri hummed. She tugged off her beanie and sighed, twitching her ears. It was a split second later that she felt a large, metal finger scratching her between her ears and she was instantly relaxed. She could hear Ironhide chuckling at her reaction and the finger continued.

"It really is a wonder how she got those." Jolt spoke up as he watched the scene, optics analyzing the furry ears from a distance.

"We stopped wondering after Mission City." Ironhide shrugged ever so slightly, being careful to not move his hand to much. "It will always be a mystery to all of us."

Matsuri shut her eyes and she finally felt 100% safe since the whole Egypt incident, surrounded by almost all her family.

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